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arceus dude

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About arceus dude

  • Birthday 04/17/1998
  1. NASA is trying to make the moon into a colonie in the future so that we can live there.
  2. Well,u should stop doing that cuz its already a habit for u. Sometimes,a person can`t dig out the truth,so they have to stop. OMG! :eek::eek:Im off topic.
  3. I think rover collected data that mars had water in the past. anyways,thanks for not adding on pressure at me.how about we stop talking and arguing about if mars had water or not in the past.instead lets talk about the solar system.
  4. Mars used to have water a long time ago.when the dinosaurs were on earth Also,NASA has anounced on 2003 that mars used to be like earth (waterwise) the carbon dioxide wasn`t on mars forever. and if it was,the water would still be there exept frozen.
  5. It is a 60% chance that mars used to have life (not human life) however,it is 100% true that mars used to have as much water as earth had. btw,venus is actually hotter than mercury. venus has an atmosphere that prevents heat from escaping the planet. and,neptune is colder than pluto because plutos core is made up of rock,while neptunes is made up of ice. also because when pluto is the nearest it can be to the sun in its orbit,pluto is closer to the sun than neptune is. Another fact,when jupiters core becomes very dense,it`s tempature reaches a maximum of 55,000 celsius.hotter than the suns surface! Another thing about jupiter is that u cant land on it so u have to reach the core and if u land on the core and jump,the intese gravity will crush u to a pulp:p
  6. Pluto was classified as a dwarf plant in 2006 because it is too far from the sun. Its not part of our solar system anymore. Also,some big part of it got destroyed. I think that it should be kept as a dwarf planet.
  7. there might have been some green little creatures on mars to. Thats what my friend said in his project... btw,the mars rover launched at 2003 should have collected all the data by now.I wonder what its doing. Did a maulfunction occur? or is it just collecting data.
  8. Well,there may be life on mars too. I just had a science project.I chose jupiter and my friend chose mars. He said that one of marses moons phoebos is doomed to crash in mars in about 5,000,000 years. Also, in about 4 billion years,our nextdoor galaxy the andromeda galaxy might collide with our galaxy.
  9. actually,I know how stars are born and how they die. 1.A colection of gas,dust form together and make a nebula. 2.the center of the nebula starts getting hotter and more dense 3.soon,the the center reaches a temprature of 1,000,000 farenhiet. 4.the nebula forms a star. 5.the star becomes old and it gets cooler as the gas and dust break away and form new nebula. 6.the star becomes a white dwarf. 7.the star turns darker and darker and soon disapear our sun is an average size star.all the other white little stars we see in the night sky are actually bigger smaller or are the same size as our sun.We see them very small because they are very far from us. also,in 4 billion years,our sun will become a red giant and explode a star larger than the sun explodes in a huge light explosion called a supernova,after a supernova,a black hole appears or a very heavy (100 tons a spoonful)but small star appears.A black hole can suck up earth and make it smaller and smaller until eart is a size of a marble!!!!! isn`t our universe an amazing thing? btw my favourite planet is jupiter.
  10. this thread is all about astronomy. astronomy is my favourite type of thing to learn about. I might even become a space scientest or space enginier when i grow up. u can post ur astonomy questions on this topic and I or someone else will answer it
  11. this topic is about the conduit friend codes friend codes have to be told on this topic please note:if u told ur friend code on this topic and u have a friend request that says omar,that means i want to be ur friend in the conduit.so check ur friend requests oftenly! u can add ur stats if u want to my stats:
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