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Everything posted by Omyfudge

  1. So let me get this straight, (and sorry for asking obvious questions) basically I could make a Mewtwo clone of the event Mewtwo THEN make a wonder card record with the time of my choosing to match with the Mewtwo to basically recreate something like the event? Also thank you guys for answering my questions, really appreciate it.
  2. So basically I cannot add this particular Mewtwo now since the end date was on Nov 14 2019 correct? Or at least not add him and receive the mystery gift event card.
  3. So my question is this, in Pokemon Let's Go using PkHex, if I were to make an event Mewtwo like the one this youtuber got on the picture, would I be able to register it as an "official" event from the"check mystery gift" category? It's not THAT important, but a really nice touch for me.
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