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Posts posted by Preston

  1. Pokesav for HG/SS can't edit the rival's name.

    The only possibility is hex editing.

    Rival's name in HG/SS is stored at 0x22D4 - 0x22E3

    Just open your save file in a hex editor and replace the bytes at 0x22D4 with 3D 01 4D 01 50 01 5A 01 49 01 56 01 FF FF 00 00 (the characters should be the same as in D/P)

    Then open your save file with PokeGen and save it, without editing something else, to fix the checksum.

    Your rival's name should be Silver then.

    Thanks, it looks like that worked. Is there a list or a guide on where HG/SS save data is stored?

  2. I've searched but I can't figure out how to edit my rival's name in these games. Does anyone know how or even an action replay code to do it? I want to change his name to Silver. If I upload save files that only differ in the rival's name, could anyone figure it out from there? Or, could someone guide me on how I could figure it out myself?

  3. Hey everyone, I was playing Soul Silver today and for a while you become a character in a rocket outfit. I was wondering if there was a way to go back in the save file and change this to make it permanent after you change back? Or an action replay code to make it pernament is preferred, does anyone have a sav file of them being in the rocket outfit for research? Could someone dump their save here once they get to the rocket outfit part? Thanks! :)

  4. Could anyone tell me the 44h and 45h values for Pokemon recieved from the daycare in HG/SS? Or just the decimal value for the daycare in HG/SS would be fabulous! :)

    And I am looking for the 46h and 47h for the actual daycare building, but I'm guessing nobody has hatched an egg in the building so I'm probably gonna end up having to do that on my own. :/

    Does anybody have a save file for SS thats fairly far into the game that I could use?

    And lastly, does anyone know the 46h and 47h values for a Pokemon caught in the Dragon's Den?

    I really appriciate the help guys! Thanks in advance!!! :)

  5. Wow its been over four months since the last time I was logged in here! Now that HG/SS have been announced, im pretty sure im coming back for all the action. ;)

    So it turns out HG/SS use the 86h value? Im completely clueless on this and i would love for anyone to fill me in on what we know so far, and by this weekend i can start updating this old guide here! ^.^

  6. I found this cool site and I can help you with korea related things. I'll be glad to help you translate etc. I'm wondering if I can help!

    That's awesome! Be sure to PM SCV or any Admin that you're here! We would appriciate your help!

  7. Here's a stupid question... I hope this is acceptable for the forum, it seemed the most appropriate place.

    Let's say I traded for an obviously hacked Pokemon (a kid traded me a Prinplup caught in a Master Ball, for starters). I have no intention of keeping it and have deleted it (I only traded to give him an item). I'd assume that if such a hack were on my cart, an officially sanctioned tournament could disqualify from participating. But would I risk being disqualified for EVER having such Pokemon on my cart? I would think not, but when I hear about trash bytes or hex values I wonder if the hacked Pokes would somehow leave a mark behind in the game's save data.

    Sorry to bug you with n00b questions, but if anyone can confirm with absolute certainty whether I'm ****ed or not, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    If you got rid of the Pokemon, there will be no evidence of it whatsoever.

  8. Lol, thanks FLOOTENKERP for trying to re-establish my guide.

    But just so all you know, there is no reason to do the math by hand now because of Jiggy-Ninja. His code gives you the exact same legal results :P Thanks Jiggy!

    I made an AR code that does this exact same thing to any Pokemon you use it on, with no need for messy numbers.

    Diamond and Pearl

    52067638 E0EE0EC4

    0206763c 88809800

    02067640 0FC40740

    94000130 FFF30000

    0206763c 47004800

    02067640 02000101

    D2000000 00000000

    62000100 402E1C26

    E2000100 00000024

    68009800 04000C04

    40600C00 406088AC

    980080E8 07408880

    4D010FC4 00004728

    02067645 00000000

    D2000000 00000000


    920748F0 0000E119

    120748F2 00009800

    120748F4 00008880

    1207491A 00006972

    0207491C 400B1C23

    02074920 21004002

    02074924 40592000

    12074928 00004050

    94000130 FFF30000

    120748F2 0000480B

    120748F4 00004700

    1207491A 00004A02

    1207491C 00004710

    02074920 02000101

    02074924 02000129

    12074928 0000BC10

    D2000000 00000000

    62000100 402E1C26

    E2000100 00000020

    68009800 04000C04

    40600C00 406088AC

    980080E8 4D018880

    00004728 020748F7

    E2000128 0000001C

    6972B410 400B1C23

    21004002 40592000

    4C014050 46C04720

    02074929 00000000

    D2000000 00000000

    Changes the Secret ID of the Pokemon you

    use the code on to make that Pokemon Shiny.

    Hold Start+Select and view the Pokemon's summary

    It loads the PID, splits it into two halves, and XORs them together. Loads the ID, and XORs that with the previous number. Stores the resulting number in the SID part of the Pokemon. Viola, an automatic shiny.

    XOR means "Exclusive OR", and it's what you're actually doing to the numbers. The addition thing is just an easy way to calculate it.

    XOR compares two bits. The comparison results in 1 if and only if one of the bits is 1. If they are both 1 or both 0, it results in 0.

    1 xor 1 = 0

    1 xor 0 = 1

    0 xor 1 = 1

    0 xor 0 = 0

  9. Nah, that was more annoying than anything. It would probably slow you down in the newer versions by wanting to rest if you were using your running shoes.

    Lol :P

    I really didn't like FireRed or LeafGreen. I still prefer the old Yellow and Blue verisons. They just feel better to me...

  10. I wholeheartedly agree with SCV, although I may trade some legal hacked Pokemon over into my legit cart for my own fun. But if I ever decided to take part in a tournament, I would breed and train from the ground up just like everyone else has to do. Legal or not, it's simply cheating to generate your Pokemon without putting in the same amount of dedication and time that it takes to legitimately raise such a team, and it's just not fair to those who did it the way they were supposed to. I hope the previous winners of Pokemon tournaments have been legit.

    Wifi battles, maybe it's fair game, I'll have to think about that :P I guess as long as you don't brag about your record or lie about playing legit, I'd say it's fine (assuming your hacks are legal). Tournaments are the main point to stay very clear on here because they are a big deal and people gather and work hard for them, with prizes at stake. I wouldn't have a clear conscience if I won a tourney with any sort of hacked advantage over players that I beat, even if that advantage is simply the amount of time needed to create the team. The only advantage I consider "fair" is knowledge, and that's why I love Project Pokemon. =)

    I do think it would be fun to play with strategies this way, though. Just get a friend or two with you on it and have matches with your hacked Pokemon, just to learn about how to handle various strategies and figure out what Pokemon you like working with. Then you can make legit ones if you decide to play serious.

    I agree. The only time I went to a tornament, I went with these Legal PokeSav-Generated Pokemon: Selfdestructing Snorlax, Exploding Likiliky, Exploding Electrode, and other Self-Sacrificing Pokemon. I lost the second battle when a Gengar came up. I wasn't playing the tornament seriously, so I think those PokeSav'ed guys were okay. (I made a bunch of 8-year-olds crack up! There were too many little kids.) But going into a torney and actually winning with hacked Pokemon is just wrong. I believe using 100% legal Pokemon on WiFi is fair play though, because half of them have been PokeSav'ed anyway.

  11. I just have one question, though.

    What if the egg was hatched in Diamond/Pearl, then transferred to Platinum? Would I need to change the 44-45h values? I'm having doubts about this just now, since I saw that if you migrated from the Pal Park in D/P, I saw that you don't need to change the 46h value? Or am I wrong?

    Hm, to make it more simple, I just want to clarify what I would do with the hex values of the following Pokémon:

    1.) Linoone gotten from Pal Park in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

    2.) Mime Jr. hatched in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

    So speaking that both of them originated in Pearl. Would they both go 00 in everything, or would one/both of them change hex values?

    1) All values should be 00.

    2) All values should be 00.

    Hope that helps! lol

  12. oh. What if they're not palparked or event pokemon, but pokemon I've edited (not created) and/or pokemon that have been hatched?

    As far as I know, the trash bytes should be fine as long as you checked the nickname box and then unchecked it. (Or go to the NickNameDude in Eterna city and renickname your Pokemon's names)

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