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Everything posted by joelbjorn

  1. Long story short, dumped my copy of Omega Ruby, ran it through dotnet to decrypt and stuff, randomized, build it again as a .cia and now citra will not open the file. So with some more detail, I have tried other programs to decrypt the rom and never get any of the FS folders or anything just the .bin files, found the .NET 3DS toolkit which gets all these files, so i then randomized with PK3DS, used .NET to rebuild the rom as a .cia file and now citra will not run it, just gives me an incompatibility error, if i decrypt and rebuild it without randomizing it works fine in citra? Am i missing something? It seems no matter what aspect of the rom i randomize it is somehow corrupted? At first i thought it was just the TM's being randomized that did it as i remember a few months ago thats what did it but now no matter what i randomize it does it, i change 1 thing manually and it does it, what the hell is going on? Does it with S&M, USUM and ORAS???? Edit - So its just citra has an issue with the files? If i put the same randomized cia on my 3ds it installs and runs just fine?
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