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Posts posted by radiocaf

  1. So I wanted to add some findings to this thread. I had a friend ask me to use my hackable switch to change a few of her old shinies, she wanted the OT details changing because the Pokemon had the OT of her deadname and gender. All of these shinies were caught on the 3DS so they HAD to have a HOME tracker attached, because they had to have come up through Bank into HOME.

    Because of better compatibility with the selection of Pokemon she traded to me, I decided to use BDSP to make most of the edits. So I transferred the Pokemon out to BDSP and made the changes with PKHeX, All seemed fine, there was no issues transferring the edited Pokemon back into HOME from BDSP and we were even able to trade them without issue. However, after the first couple of trades, she noticed that the Pokeball of the edited Pokemon was missing, it was displaying as a white square in the trade confirmation screen, and completely transparent in the Summary screen of the Pokemon. I should mention that this visual issue would only show up in the mobile version of HOME, it all displayed fine in the Switch version, so the data was still there, it just wasn't displaying correctly on mobile.

    So she traded me the Pokemon back, and I got to testing. Long story short I found that making edits to Pokemon sent to PLA or BDSP would cause the visual issues, but SwSh would work without issue. I could make all the edits to the Pokemon put into SwSh and there would be zero issues back in HOME with them. Of course, there were Pokemon I couldn't move into SwSh therefore I couldn't make the changes to the OT. As of right now, I have kept them without any edits until a solution is found for BDSP/PLA.

    I had one case where I forgot to backup one of her Pokemon before making my changes, and I thought it would be screwed up for good, but once I manually reverted the changes I made, the issue went away and the Pokeball showed up fine once more in the mobile version of HOME.

    If I could theorize why this is happening, I would guess that the HOME Tracker is related, perhaps some of the Pokemon's data is stored server side, and we were getting the visual glitch because it didn't match what the server is expecting. Again, just a theory, but it could be worthwhile information for anyone investigating the HOME Tracker.

    Sadly I didn't think to take screenshots of the issue when it was happening, but I got a few more Pokemon to work on so if it happens again, I'll edit this post. Perhaps @Kaphotics would find this information useful?


    Things I tried that didn't work to fix the issue:

    - Zeroing out the HOME tracker

    - Making the changes in one save and then drag/dropping the Pokemon to another save of the twin game (so BD to SP, for example)

    - Changing the Pokeball to something different

    - Changing the Pokeball back after the above didn't work.


  2. The way I did it was to use a tool called "runasdate" that allows you to modify the date a program runs as, rather than changing your system date. You just open runasdate, point it to the PKHeX executable, choose the date you want, and hit run. You'll see nothing different, no popups or anything but the injected wondercard will show the spoofed date you chose in runasdate.

    It's a little bit more tedious, but you don't need to change your 3DS date unless you want to receive the Pokemon on a date different to the current date.

    I'm new to this website, and I don't know the rules behind posting links, but you can search Google for "runasdate" and it'll be the first result. Make sure to download the 32-bit version, because PKHeX is a 32-bit program. You'll get an error when you try to run PKHeX through runasdate, otherwise.

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