Hello there,
Another member of the dev team here, thought I'd make an account to add my voice to this discussion. The initial problem we were having was unfair targeting from the moderator who originally deleted the link to our Rom Hack's files ( you, theSlayer ) which were in the same format as every other Gen 6/7 Rom Hack listed on this forum, something which you'd had no problem with. It was only after we pointed out the disparity in removing our files but leaving the links for something like Supernova Sun/Penumbra Moon up was hypocritical that you removed the links from all Gen 6/7 Rom Hacks listed on the forum. You then began insisting we compress our files with your proprietary program that's both ineffective and difficult for the end user who just wants to play the Rom Hack. You also deleted the links to our discord, presumably because we host links to download the Rom Hack files there too, but you seem to be completely fine with the aforementioned Supernova Sun/Penumbra Moon adding a link to their wordpress that contains links to download the Rom Hack files, the same links previously deleted from their page by you.
I do apologise for the vulgar and unprofessional nature of my team member's posts although I do believe it was somewhat warranted considering the seemingly targeted and unfair response we've had both being initially informed of this sudden change to what's allowed to be posted as well as the follow up for it. I'm unsure how to reply more directly but evandixon we'd like to complain about the unprofessional/unhelpful/hypocritical attitude of your moderator theSlayer in dealing with this issue. Likewise I'll post this in the feedback forum as you've mentioned, but this move to push your compression software has effectively shot yourself in the foot and made it almost impossible for players to actually play Gen6/7 Rom Hacks.