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Everything posted by Moonixia

  1. 4468 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky (EU)(M5)(BAHAMUT).sav Edit: Sorry forgot the other one, although I've barely played it. I just used it really to double check and see if it was an issue with what I was doing or not. Pokemon_Mystery_Dungeon_Blue_Rescue_Team_USA_NDS-LGC.SAV
  2. When I try to load up my Explorers of Sky save with the "Explorers of Sky Save" option it crashes, same for Blue Rescue Team with it's save.
  3. Not sure if this has been an issue for anyone yet, and if it's a simple one my apologies. When I try to open my save file in the editor this message comes up. "There's no available UI for this object of type "SkyEditor.Core.IO.GenericFile." This comes up when I try to load up both my Blue Rescue team save and my European Explorers of Sky save.
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