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Posts posted by EtrianThotyssey

  1. Hello again and I cannot stress how much fun this romhack is! It's been taking up a lot of my free time lately and I have no regrets :)

    I ran into a potential issue recently involving Surf and a teammate with Water Absorb. When I used Surf, the first thing that happened was that Lapras's ability triggered and it got some health back - then the attack was totally finished. The enemy team wasn't hit by Surf at all. I'm posting to see if this is a bug with the romhack or legitimate Pokemon XD behavior.

  2. On 8/29/2018 at 11:34 PM, sparkswordkirby said:

    I think I ran into some strange bug with the pokesnacks that i don't recall seeing in the bug list. I had one pokesnack left in a pokespot, so i just went to it, decremented it to 0(trying to take the pokesnack back), and then bought 10 more to place at a different location. But upon going to any other location, i could only put that one pokesnack in the pokespot, and the 10 i bought aren't being noticed at all. Selling and rebuying them didn't change anything either, they're in my inventory but can't be placed:s

    Edit: This happened right after i updated to the latest patch since 1.1.5, if that helps.

    I've been dealing with the same bug with 1.1.6, it looks like the store-bought pokesnacks are a different item in the bag (with the exact same name and description) and they're unable to be placed at Pokespots like the 10 that Duking gives you.

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