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Everything posted by aciko11

  1. Yeah tried, unfortunately nature and shiny cheats do not work together. The shiny cheat will always produce the same pokemon: same nature, same stats. I'll see when i'm done with my exams and i will have more time (and if i still desire to waste my time xD) Thanks for everything!
  2. I think he's referring to pokemon liquid crystal 3.2(that is not avaiable for download) not PKHeX 3.2. Anyway, i tried but it didn't work My only option is to try and wait for the trading to be avaiable
  3. Trading doesn't work unfortunately xD they say they will fix it, hopefully they will do it soon
  4. Ohhh so that was the problem, i also tried to look for 7101, didn't know i had to flip it like that, can you explain why? Since the cheat for shiny pokemon always gets me a female with the same nature, i wanted to be able to like put in the box a desired pokemon shiny and with the nature i wanted. If i try to edit the save with PKHeX when i open the game it will say that is corrupted even if PKHeX says that everything is correct. I think that is for the checksum P.s. sorry if i take a lot to answer but i'm also studying for exams xD
  5. Thanks, i've already read that (for the gen 3), but i can't seem to find anything, like if i try to search for my trainer id (using the encoding table) it doesn't seem to be there. I managed to find what i wanted with some trial and error, but i can't understand why i can't find for example my trainer id (28935 that in hex would be A3 A8 AA A4 A6 right?). Anyway now im stuck at the checksum part, it appears that liquid crystal has its own way of doing that i think my only chance is try to ask the developers
  6. Hi, i'm trying to manually edit my save file of pokemon liquid crystal. Does anyone have a guide or something to do that? Cause i'm trying to understand how the save file is structured but i'm failing :/ Like for example how do i find a pokemon of my party or box in the save file? Btw I already tried to use other software to edit it since it's an hack of fire red, but it doesn't work.
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