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  1. Checkpoint worked perfectly fine!! But first I had to get my CFW to work. Before I only had a homebrew launcher. THANKS!!!!
  2. I do not have a unmodified backup anymore.... But PKhex was able to read both the (vanilla) save and the edited version which I was trying to import. The save manager I used is called Save Manager in my Homebrew channel. Its from profi200 i suppose. The only thing i can select in that manager is export save and import save just by hitting "A" or "B".
  3. Hello. i failed injecting the edited save file into my game... Let me explain abit: I took the save file and edited some pokemon in my box on the pc. While I was doing this i went on pokemon bank and left it with saving and this probably was a bad idea. I think the game recognized that I wanted to inject a save file that was older than the one I had before and then it got corrupted. Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? I tried JKSM but i dont understand the latest release.... Edit: I justed save file manager which comes with the homebrew starter kit to make the backup and import the save file.
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