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Posts posted by Ashbox

  1. everyone is entitled to there opinion...even if mine is the correct one:cool:

    i agree with you Ashbox studying "Hybrids" and knowing more about them could be fascinating

    but but i also agree with NeoDraven & Sabresite, it will be more worthwhile for you to apply your researches and abilities on something that has a more solid cover then this because you cannot create what isnt there and you cannot control what isnt there

    to me hybrids are like malfunction errors, they shouldn't even be there in the first place its not like gamefreak hid them there just to challenge us programmers

    just like missingno. in red/blue .... and look what became of that

  2. The stuff that you listed there makes no sense. Why would you want something like that? Its basically a missingno that is just lying there, doing nothing. Pointless.

    Pointless...you think its pointless...

    And yet by strange coincidence you are not the one studying it are you...

    And as it turns out I think I might have found something I could use it for that suits it perfectly... ;)

  3. i have captured a arceus hybrid using the museum pokemon code and viewed a bunch using insight from KazoWAR [kthx]

    and this glitch has potential....

    Few things i have noticed....

    ~you can't rename it

    ~you can't view its stats through the menu*

    ~its a semi-stabilized "missingno."

    [it has a physical appearance unlike other d/p/pt glitch pokemon]

    ~you cant use it in battle*

    ~cant use GTS with it in party/pc

    ~YOU CAN'T TOUCH IT UP IN POKESAV :mad: [it dissipates]


    *however i have figured out how i can...

    doing some tests with it... i think i have isolated the parts of its stats that freezes the game when you view it.....

    ~Its Moves...1 or 2 of them are nonexistent moves that lock the game up...

    so an action replay code is needed to change the attacks to real ones...

    hopefuly that will fix the pokemon and enable it for battle.

    ~its gender...at different screens it thinks its a guy...and a girl

    Can anyone get me a AR code that changes slot6 pokemon in party to have new attacks

    [any attacks will do...but nice ones would be suggested ;)]

    and a code that changes the gender of the pokemon...

    [one code that switches boy/girl, and a code that makes the pokemon genderless]

  4. using the platinum pokemon modifer code, typeing in the number 32769 and pressing L made this so called hybrid appear, on the site you quated it said that the pokemons hex number was 8001 and i just converted it to decamal and tryed to see if it worked, maybe you can use that, if that what you where wanting.

    you are a genius kthx :grog::kikkoman:

  5. Yes, it matters. One of the reasons is that I KNOW its a waste of time (I have done extensive research with the memory in DPP). You might have a goal. But they have no purpose in the game its a glitch. I guarantee there is nothing deep there. As such I will not be wasting my time making such an AR code (which is impossible, because the memory you want to access doesn't exist and cannot exist on the SAV).

    i was afraid of that. :(

    then what about possibility #2 - make a AR code that works like the calc mod code....but puts that pokemon in the mining museum.... then a pokedex code isnt needed....

    i am aware that its a glitch...thats why im looking at it...

  6. There is no such thing as a hybrid. Its simply taking advantage of a memory location pointer that goes beyond its intended array limit. The consequences are unintentional.

    I doubt anyone here would take time to develop codes for this.

    im just trying to see whet i can do with that...see if i can find something to use them for....

    Yes there is no real point in wasting time in something like this

    By the way are you Ashbox from FreeFoRoms?

    Lies:bidoof:.... unless there is proofs

    there are so many more useful things you could spend your time on.

    does it really matter?? i wouldnt have asked if i didnt have a purpose to do something with them :creep:

  7. DP hybrids are glitch Pokémon that share the sprites of normal Pokémon. They crash the game when their undefined Pokédex entry is viewed (some emulators can view the entry, but all cartridge versions will crash at this point), when they attempt to use their currently unknown glitch move, and when the player attempts to view their stats screen. All hybrids have a common moveset.

    Hybrids do not appear to have any programming purpose since the values they occupy are completely irrelevant to the game.

    Any given hybrid's hexadecimal identifier is the same as the corresponding Pokémon's, but with an 8 at the beginning instead of a 0 (e.g. Bulbasaur is hex 0001, its hybrid is hex 8001)

    Base stats

    Research is incomplete at this time

    Type effectiveness

    Research is incomplete at this time.

    The only way to catch a hybrid on a cartridge version successfully would be to use an Action Replay code that would complete the Pokédex up to at least hex 81ED. But, such a code would be extremely long and could have adverse effects to the game's memory. However, It is possible to own one in a cartridge version using a fossil modifier code.

    I am testing hybrids on emulated and cartridge versions of diamond & platinum

    and the glitch does have some potential

    i will welcome anyone who will help in researching them.......:D

    [see later posts for updates]

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