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Posts posted by Arterion

  1. It's fake. I can say that without looking at anything other than "ebay."

    Plat is $35 at most major retail outlets that sell video games. I'd suggest you pay the full price rather than risk purchasing a fake cart used/ebay again.

    Agreed, although it's quite hard to come by a US cart in the UK without using eBay, and I wanted a US cart in particular because the UK .sav exports apparently have issues with Pokesav (my current one certainly does).

  2. I can do, but it'll have to wait a while, I'm out and about at the moment. While the cart itself seems to be reasonably legit (has the nintendo seal and black code on the back) the sticker is slightly lopsided, offcentre and has a chunk missing from the top right, and the printing isnt as good as my UK version.

    Furthermore, the instruction booklet was badly put together (staples in the wrong place), and the shrink wrap was just normal shrink wrap as opposed to the higher quality stuff you usually get on Nintendo games with the tab but for taking it off. Also, the printing on the box cover is slightly off, not in terms of content, but just looks the teensiest bit fuzzy, nothing that would show on a camera even...

    Saves taking FOREVER. Initial save took over 6 minutes, subsequent saves after doing NOTHING to the game taking FAR longer than my UK version...

    ---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

    Also, my UK game has a sparkly holofoil front cover, this one doesn't, but I don't know if this design was worldwide and used ALL the time...

  3. I think I'm going to go for Totodile, it learns Ice fang quite early on which gives it a nice advantage; Typhlosion is basically a Charizard without the flying type (which isnt a bad thing, but it's not terribly imaginative), so while in the orginal Silver I went that way, I think trading an Chimchar or Torchic from Platinum is the better option for the fire type. Never did like Chikorita, never had a problem with its stats, just dont LIKE it.

    Will probably change my mind a dozen times before the English localisations come around though...

  4. Hi all, I'm attaching my UK platinum .sav file which I've tweaked using Mushen's stickied guide so it's the correct 512kb file size. I was wondering if someone could try to put it into their game and actually load it; ive only changed a couple of bits (just added some event pokemon to my team for the sake of testing and fiddled with Jolteon's EVs), but when I use rudolph's tool to try to put it on my cart, I always get an corruption error.

    Also, seem to have a few pokemon in my boxes (in pokesav) which are taking up space (they have no name, but they seem to have stats and and editable sheet) but aren't visible in-game; seems a bit glitched to me, just wanted to see if anyone else can at least see this in Pokesav?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can take a look.

    *edit* As you can see from below, we've figured out that it's NOT just me who's seeing the glitches- can anyone explain how this happened?

  5. That would be brilliant if you could upload it for me to have a look at, thank you for all your help :biggrin:

    ;53849']Well the PID/IV generator in Pokesav is limited to just so many PID creations. But I did fix the Blazekin.pkm file for you' date=' if you would like I can upload it so you can compare the minor things I changed on it. I would suggest just messing with the IV's on a pokemon till you get the right nature/class/sex you want. Shiny pokemon are much harder to create PID's for, but if you use the PID-IV Generator by SCV then I guess it should be good to go.[/quote']
  6. The Blaziken itself doesn't bother me (although I don't see anything wrong with Adamant for it, correct me if im wrong), I'm just doing this as an example so I can learn how it all works, and at the moment, it doesn-t= the PID-IV generator gives me no results when I input the values for the fourth option (for a shiny pokemon with given IVs), and I'm trying to figure out why...

    ;53845']Well the ID and SID are legal ID's' date=' and can be anything you want them to be. But if you really want an adament nature Blazekin I can magic up a PID with that ID/SID and those ev's you provided.[/quote']
  7. Thanks for looking that over. I just grabbed the PID-IV generator, and chose option 4, but the program produces no outputs? I have a feeling this might be because the Trainer ID and Secret ID are just random numbers (I assume some sort of relationship between the two exists)- don't suppose you could supply me with a real trainer ID and secret ID just for the sake of testing this out?

    Also, the output it produces I assume goes into the 'Attribute' box in the Pokesav app?

    Thanks in advance.

    ;53838']The only thing I would complain about is the 255 in each Ev'd stat. The most useful ammount to put in at max is 252 leaving 6 spar Ev's to put into one other stat.

    The Happiness can range from 0-255' date=' I would change that to 255 since it is level 100 by now.

    Also did you check you PID/IV to make sure it is correct? I did a quick check and I did not see your PID/IV pop up in sav myself.

    The HEX Values would be right, but it was hatched in Diamond(OR so the .pkm file says so). So you only needed to change value 85h to the right value, which for eggs it would be 00. 44h and 45h need to be 00 as well since it's a diamond pokemon, and only needs to be changed if it was hatched/caught in Platinum or HG/SS.

    Other than that it looks good.[/quote']

  8. Hi all, literally just getting into this Pokésav thing and wanted someone to look over my Blaziken's .pkm file to see if it's been created properly and whether or not it would pass a legality check in 'real life'. The ProjectPokemon legality checker seems to have passed it (I assume the yellow 'Hatched' means its ok?), but just wanted others to take a look and let me know if I'm doing this right.

    *edit* Updated my Blaziken to include hidden hex calculations, not sure if I've done it right, updated file included, thanks.

    Much obliged,

    Art :grog:

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