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Posts posted by Gemzo

  1. 13 hours ago, evandixon said:

    Fixed in the latest build. It might still show short IDs out of order though.

    Nice, no more duplicate IDs. I also noticed that missing IDs were put at the top of the list, rather than disappearing with script sort, which is nice as well.

    Also, I realize that while my initial posts were about acquiring information and assistance, my recent posts have been more along the lines of issue/bug reporting. Would you rather I just put such things at https://github.com/evandixon/SkyEditor.ROMEditor/issues ? I already posted one such report there a while ago...And two more closed issues before that one, which were from when I was foolishly using an outdated version, haha... But nevermind those!

    On another note... This may be useful for anyone else editing PSMD scripts with the Sky Editor ROM Editor: https://pastebin.com/V61vqTi5
    These are the notes I've taken while working on scripts thus far. The lists within my notes are mostly incomplete, but someone might find it useful anyway.

  2. 5 hours ago, evandixon said:

    It turns out that after I fixed this the first time, I forgot to actually push the change. Sorry about that. Pushed it for real this time. I double-checked the changes in Team City and everything.

    Fixed. Both changes should be in this build.

    Phew, I was worried it was something on my end. It definitely works now, thanks!

    5 hours ago, evandixon said:

    It should be using the full number for the sorting. Could there be some other single 1's in the script?

    You're right, I was making an assumption when I thought it was the other message IDs. I dunno why I was so convinced of that, really.

    Anyway, the issue. Within the code below, seven instances of message ID 0 show up before -831791279 while using script sort. There are five instances of decimals that technically have "lone" 0's (if script sort ignores the decimal point), but I'm not sure where the other two would come from in that case, as all other instances of 0 are not lone numbers.

    This issue isn't the biggest deal in the world, as it will not happen nearly as much after you get done editing the scripts that use single digit message IDs... But, if you're using all ten of those message IDs in an already long script, then script sort will be pretty unusable for that script.

    function groundInit()
    function groundStart()
    function main02_partnertonodeai01_init()
    function main02_partnertonodeai01_start()
      CH("HERO"):WalkTo(SymPos("P01_HERO"), Speed(1.5))
      SOUND:FadeInEnv(SymSnd("SE_ENV_CROSSROAD_LP"), TimeSec(0.5), Volume(256))
      SCREEN_A:FadeIn(TimeSec(0.5), true)
      CH("HERO"):SetMotion(SymMot("EV001_CONFIRMS"), LOOP.OFF)
      CH("HERO"):SetMotion(SymMot("WAIT02"), LOOP.ON)
      WINDOW:DrawFace(324, 88, SymAct("HERO"), FACE_TYPE.SPECIAL02)


  3. 8 hours ago, evandixon said:

    I finally got around to fixing this. See the blog post for the download link.

    This should make it easier to do ROM editing, @Gemzo. Thanks for your interest in the project!

    Awesome! Not having to fiddle with getting the thing to build successfully every time certainly helps a lot.

    However... I still can't get the add button to work. The added message still shows a blank dialogue window ingame, and the message still disappears from the list upon reopening the script. Saving and then reopening the editor results in added messages starting at ID 1 again, with no text leftover from previous attempts at adding that message ID.

    Also, a few times during testing I had it hang for a while and then crash after clicking the add button, but I couldn't figure out how to reproduce it reliably.
    This is the log it gave me: https://pastebin.com/ddxDhUik

    Semi-related: Using script sort with short message IDs (1, 2, 3, etc, like the ones the add button creates) didn't seem to behave nicely. Every instance of the ID number in the script is put in the list, even if it's part of another ID. For example, message ID -11473915 being present would make message ID 1 show up 3 extra times when using script sort. Longer scripts that use a lot of messages turn into a huge mess due to this. Or, well, it would be a huge mess, if I could get adding messages to work.

  4. On 11/10/2017 at 5:37 PM, evandixon said:

    Sorry for the late reply. This is one of the things where I have to sit down and investigate, and I have limited time through the week. (And I'm sad to say, I probably would have forgotten about your post if it wasn't for your PM. I'll try to do better.)

    Fixed in version However, when building the mod, you'll need to use version (or was it It's been a while). Later versions have a problem when building ROMs that I haven't had time to fix yet, as it requires fixing nearly all of the dependencies. Believe it or not, one of the many things that needs to be updated is the save editor. I've been waiting for the save editor to be perfect before releasing it, but in all honesty, it's probably good enough for what the ROM editor needs it for. I have no ETA for when I can move forward and fix it, but I do plan to.

    No worries! I was fully expecting the ROM editor to be on the back burner. You seem to have quite a lot on your plate, after all. I'm happy just to get information about the ROM editor and my issues; I wasn't expecting a fix! So thank you for finding the time to respond, and for going the extra mile on that one.

    On 11/10/2017 at 5:37 PM, evandixon said:

    I've had a similar problem when there's a syntax error with my edits. There's currently no real error checking when compiling scripts, so try compiling the script manually to see if Lua gives any errors. The Lua compiler can be found at SkyEditor.ROMEditor.Windows/lua/luac5.1.exe in the zip file. Try using command prompt to launch luac.exe -o <output> <script>, where <script> is the script you're editing, and <output> is some temporary path to save the script. Don't forget to put paths in quotation marks if they contain spaces.

    I don't know if I should feel stupid, or relieved. I've been banging my head into this issue to no avail, and of course the problem is just a rogue  )  floating around. But on the other hand, it's something actually I can actually fix myself, so I'm happy for that! It might have been as simple as uttering the words "syntax error," but you've helped me a great deal by doing so. Thank you!

    Unrelated: Since I've had trouble finding info while editing PSMD scripts, I'm going to leave a nugget of information for others to find.
    You can use these lines to change the partner's gender. This comes in handy when you want to test both the cool and cute versions of a scene without a second save file.


    Now, that's useful for testing instances of WINDOW:SwitchTalk, but I wanted to do more gender-unique changes to the cutscenes. So I would need a way to check the partner's current gender... I wasn't expecting to find anything, but opening up ExeFS/code.bin and searching through the gibberish did turn up an instance of "SetPartnerSex" and right next to it was "IsPartnerFemale"... But, trying to check if SYSTEM:IsPartnerFemale == true just gave me a syntax error. Perhaps there's a correct way to use that, or maybe it's just a nonfunctional thing.

    Edit: Proving I really don't know what I'm doing, it was as simple as putting a '()' after it. Now I can do everything I wanted to!

    if SYSTEM:IsPartnerFemale() then
      cute partner stuff
      cool partner stuff


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  5. I've ran into another problem using the ROM Editor. Any of my changes to the script for the last part of chapter 1 (shinryokuclear1st.lua) are not present in-game. Other script edits prior to this point in the story have worked fine, but this script always remains vanilla for some reason. Even building with a totally empty script still has the cutscene proceed normally, besides the message edits.

    Edit: I encountered the same issue when editing the second part of chapter 2 (nanikanokehai.lua). No script changes apply on build.

  6. Hello, I am new here and I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I couldn't manage to find a better place to discuss the Sky Editor Rom Editor.

    I am trying my hand at making a script/text mod for PSMD. For now, I've just been testing and getting accustomed to the editor. While editing messages and scripts is fairly straightforward, I haven't been successful at adding new messages. Any messages added with the "Add" button simply don't work, and they disappear from the message list if I save and reopen the file. As you can imagine, not being able to use more messages than there are in the original script, is quite limiting. Am I doing something wrong, or is adding messages just not functional yet?

    I am using version if that makes a difference.

    Edit: I've discovered \EE00, and so I've been able to work around this problem for the most part.

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