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hello theSLAYER
Please understand the translator...
wonder card Question.
im use JPN3ds + pokemon jpn sun + language korean
local + wireless -> Pokémon North American International Championships Arcanine
이상한 카드 -> Setting language(korean)
Heat up your battles with Arcanine! -> title language(distributetor country language english)
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨주셔서 감사합니다
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는 직원에게 받아주세요 -> setting language(korean)
Heat up your battles with Arcanine!
Here's your chance to bring one of
the most intimidating Pokémon to
every fight!->distributetor country language english
Is this right?
My English level is too low ..-
hey koony, you could just reply back to the same status, no need to create a new one XD
The Arcanine event, is a "local wireless" event, distributed to all regions, so you can have it in your save.
I'm not aware whether PKHeX can change date of wonder card.
Dates on wonder card don't matter too much, because the date set to wonder card, is based on date received on the 3DS,
and the 3DS date could have been inaccurate.
hello theslayer im korean pokemon user
I am using Japanese 3ds.
pokemon sun moon game Language is used in Korean.
wondercard Question
japan 3ds serial code title
eu only serial code title is only spain?