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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 311 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x137 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 37 01 Dex Number 283 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 33 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 33 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 7 Quick Attack 13 Sweet Scent 19 Water Sport 25 BubbleBeam 31 Agility 37 Haze 37 Mist 43 Baton Pass Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball SolarBeam Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Mind Reader Psybeam Signal Beam Hydro Pump Mud Shot Foresight Bug Bite
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 310 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x136 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 36 01 Dex Number 282 Evolves From Kirlia Evolution Criteria Level 30 Male Base HP 34 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 34 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Teleport 1 Growl 1 Confusion 3 Healing Wish 6 Confusion 10 Double Team 12 Teleport 17 Wish 22 Magical Leaf 25 Calm Mind 33 Psychic 40 Imprison 45 Future Sight 53 Captivate 60 Hypnosis 65 Dream Eater Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 309 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x135 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 35 01 Dex Number 281 Evolves From Ralts Evolution Criteria Level 20 Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Teleport 1 Growl 1 Confusion 6 Confusion 10 Double Team 12 Teleport 17 Lucky Chant 22 Magical Leaf 25 Calm Mind 31 Psychic 36 Imprison 39 Future Sight 45 Charm 50 Hypnosis 53 Dream Eater Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 308 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x134 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 34 01 Dex Number 280 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 36 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 36 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 6 Confusion 10 Double Team 12 Teleport 17 Lucky Chant 21 Magical Leaf 23 Calm Mind 28 Psychic 32 Imprison 34 Future Sight 39 Charm 43 Hypnosis 45 Dream Eater Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Confuse Ray Memento Will-O-Wisp Grudge Disable Mean Look Destiny Bond Shadow Sneak
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 307 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x133 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 33 01 Dex Number 279 Evolves From Wingull Evolution Criteria Level 25 Male Base HP 20 Base Attack 7 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 20 Base Attack 7 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Wing Attack 1 Growl 1 Water Sport 1 Water Gun 6 Supersonic 11 Wing Attack 16 Mist 19 Water Pulse 24 Payback 25 Protect 31 Roost 38 Stockpile 38 Swallow 38 Spit Up 43 Fling 50 Tailwind 57 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Fly Aerial Ace Shock Wave Toxic Thief Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Brine Natural Gift Payback Pluck U-turn Fling Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 306 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x132 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 32 01 Dex Number 278 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 17 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 0 Female Base HP 17 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 0 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 6 Supersonic 11 Wing Attack 16 Mist 19 Water Pulse 24 Quick Attack 29 Roost 34 Pursuit 37 Agility 42 Aerial Ace 47 Air Slash Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Fly Aerial Ace Shock Wave Toxic Thief Sleep Talk Rest Steel Wing Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Defog Brine Natural Gift Pluck U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Gust Agility Mist Twister Knock Off Water Sport Aqua Ring
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 305 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x131 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 31 01 Dex Number 277 Evolves From Taillow Evolution Criteria Level 22 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 19 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 19 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Focus Energy 1 Peck 1 Quick Attack 1 Growl 3 Pluck 4 Focus Energy 8 Quick Attack 13 Wing Attack 19 Double Team 28 Endeavor 38 Aerial Ace 49 Agility 61 Air Slash Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Fly Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift Pluck U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 304 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x130 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 30 01 Dex Number 276 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Peck 1 Growl 4 Focus Energy 8 Quick Attack 13 Wing Attack 19 Double Team 26 Endeavor 34 Aerial Ace 43 Agility 53 Air Slash Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Fly Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Steel Wing Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Defog Natural Gift Pluck U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Rage Pursuit Mirror Move Sky Attack Supersonic Whirlwind Refresh Brave Bird
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 303 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12F ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2F 01 Dex Number 275 Evolves From Nuzleaf Evolution Criteria Item #149 Male Base HP 24 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 24 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Faint Attack 1 Razor Leaf 1 Whirlwind 1 Nasty Plot 49 Leaf Storm Moves (TM) Move Dig Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball SolarBeam Explosion Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Defog Grass Knot Embargo X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 302 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12E ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2E 01 Dex Number 274 Evolves From Seedot Evolution Criteria Level 14 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 1 Razor Leaf 3 Harden 7 Growth 13 Nature Power 19 Fake Out 25 Torment 31 Faint Attack 37 Razor Wind 43 Swagger 49 Extrasensory Moves (TM) Move Dig Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Giga Drain Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball SolarBeam Explosion Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Energy Ball Grass Knot Embargo Natural Gift Payback Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 301 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12D ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2D 01 Dex Number 273 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 26 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 26 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bide 3 Harden 7 Growth 13 Nature Power 21 Synthesis 31 Sunny Day 43 Explosion Moves (TM) Move Dig Swagger Rock Smash Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Shadow Ball SolarBeam Explosion Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Razor Wind Quick Attack Take Down Amnesia False Swipe Leech Seed Worry Seed Nasty Plot
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 300 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12C ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2C 01 Dex Number 272 Evolves From Lombre Evolution Criteria Item #147 Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 1 Nature Power 1 Growl 1 Mega Drain Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Focus Punch Giga Drain Endure SolarBeam Waterfall Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Drain Punch Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 299 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2B 01 Dex Number 271 Evolves From Lotad Evolution Criteria Level 14 Male Base HP 28 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 8 Female Base HP 28 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 8 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 3 Growl 5 Absorb 7 Nature Power 11 Fake Out 15 Fury Swipes 19 Water Sport 25 BubbleBeam 31 Zen Headbutt 37 Uproar 45 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Giga Drain Endure SolarBeam Waterfall Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Drain Punch Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 298 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x12A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 2A 01 Dex Number 270 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 31 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 11 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 31 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 11 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 3 Growl 5 Absorb 7 Nature Power 11 Mist 15 Natural Gift 19 Mega Drain 25 BubbleBeam 31 Zen Headbutt 37 Rain Dance 45 Energy Ball Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Sweet Scent Tickle Synthesis Flail Razor Leaf Water Gun Leech Seed
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 297 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x129 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 29 01 Dex Number 269 Evolves From Cascoon Evolution Criteria Level 10 Male Base HP 23 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 23 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Confusion 10 Confusion 13 Gust 17 Protect 20 Moonlight 24 Psybeam 27 Whirlwind 31 Light Screen 34 Silver Wind 38 Toxic 41 Bug Buzz Moves (TM) Move Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psychic Shadow Ball SolarBeam Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 296 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x128 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 28 01 Dex Number 268 Evolves From Wurmple Evolution Criteria Level 7 Male Base HP 28 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 28 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Harden 7 Harden Moves (TM) Move Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Moves (Egg) Move
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 295 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x127 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 27 01 Dex Number 267 Evolves From Silcoon Evolution Criteria Level 10 Male Base HP 34 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 8 Female Base HP 34 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 8 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Absorb 10 Absorb 13 Gust 17 Stun Spore 20 Morning Sun 24 Mega Drain 27 Whirlwind 31 Attract 34 Silver Wind 38 Giga Drain 41 Bug Buzz Moves (TM) Move Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psychic Shadow Ball Safeguard SolarBeam Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 294 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x126 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 26 01 Dex Number 266 Evolves From Wurmple Evolution Criteria Level 7 Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Harden 7 Harden Moves (TM) Move Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Moves (Egg) Move
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 293 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x125 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 25 01 Dex Number 265 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 10 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 10 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 String Shot 1 Tackle 5 Poison Sting 15 Bug Bite Moves (TM) Move Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Moves (Egg) Move
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 292 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x124 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 24 01 Dex Number 264 Evolves From Zigzagoon Evolution Criteria Level 20 Male Base HP 22 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Female Base HP 22 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tail Whip 1 Headbutt 1 Tackle 1 Growl 3 Switcheroo 5 Tail Whip 9 Headbutt 13 Sand-Attack 17 Odor Sleuth 23 Mud Sport 29 Fury Swipes 35 Covet 41 Slash 47 Rest 53 Belly Drum 59 Fling Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Shadow Claw Charge Beam Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 291 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x123 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 23 01 Dex Number 263 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 24 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Female Base HP 24 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Growl 5 Tail Whip 9 Headbutt 13 Sand-Attack 17 Odor Sleuth 21 Mud Sport 25 Pin Missile 29 Covet 33 Flail 37 Rest 41 Belly Drum 45 Fling Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Charm Pursuit Tickle Helping Hand Trick Mud-Slap Substitute
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 290 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x122 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 22 01 Dex Number 262 Evolves From Poochyena Evolution Criteria Level 18 Male Base HP 22 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 2 Female Base HP 22 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 2 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Sand-Attack 1 Tackle 1 Howl 5 Howl 9 Sand-Attack 13 Bite 17 Odor Sleuth 22 Roar 27 Swagger 32 Assurance 37 Scary Face 42 Taunt 47 Embargo 52 Take Down 57 Thief 62 Sucker Punch Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Endure Shadow Ball Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Snatch Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Embargo Natural Gift Payback Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 289 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x121 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 21 01 Dex Number 261 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 26 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 26 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 5 Howl 9 Sand-Attack 13 Bite 17 Odor Sleuth 21 Roar 25 Swagger 29 Assurance 33 Scary Face 37 Taunt 41 Embargo 45 Take Down 49 Sucker Punch 53 Crunch Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Return Double Team Facade Endure Shadow Ball Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Snatch Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Embargo Natural Gift Payback Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Yawn Astonish Poison Fang Leer Covet Thunder Fang Ice Fang Me First Sucker Punch Fire Fang
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 288 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x120 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 20 01 Dex Number 260 Evolves From Marshtomp Evolution Criteria Level 36 Male Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Mud-Slap 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 16 Mud Shot 20 Foresight 25 Mud Bomb 31 Take Down 39 Muddy Water 46 Protect 52 Earthquake 61 Endeavor 69 Hammer Arm 72 Hydro Cannon Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Fling Captivate Avalanche Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 287 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11F ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1F 01 Dex Number 259 Evolves From Mudkip Evolution Criteria Level 16 Male Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Mud-Slap 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 16 Mud Shot 20 Foresight 25 Mud Bomb 31 Take Down 37 Muddy Water 42 Protect 46 Earthquake 53 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Stealth Rock Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
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