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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 511 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FF ID (Hex, Little Endian) FF 01 Dex Number 469 Evolves From Yanma Evolution Criteria Level 33 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 18 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 18 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Tackle 1 Quick Attack 1 Night Slash 2 Bug Bite 4 Foresight 6 Quick Attack 11 Double Team 14 SonicBoom 17 Detect 22 Supersonic 27 Uproar 30 Pursuit 33 AncientPower 38 Slash 38 Feint 43 Screech 46 U-turn 49 Air Slash 54 Bug Buzz Moves (TM) Move Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball SolarBeam Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift U-turn Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 510 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FE ID (Hex, Little Endian) FE 01 Dex Number 468 Evolves From Togetic Evolution Criteria Item #161 Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Sky Attack 1 ExtremeSpeed 1 Air Slash 1 Aura Sphere Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Return Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Focus Punch Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard SolarBeam Fly Fire Blast Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Grass Knot Natural Gift Pluck Drain Punch Fling Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 509 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FD ID (Hex, Little Endian) FD 01 Dex Number 467 Evolves From Magmar Evolution Criteria Item #158 and Link Cable Male Base HP 39 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 16 Female Base HP 39 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 16 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 SmokeScreen 1 ThunderPunch 1 Smog 1 Leer 3 Ember 7 Ember 10 SmokeScreen 16 Faint Attack 19 Fire Spin 25 Confuse Ray 28 Fire Punch 37 Lava Plume 43 Flamethrower 52 Sunny Day 58 Fire Blast 67 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Earthquake Thunderbolt SolarBeam Fire Blast Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 508 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FC ID (Hex, Little Endian) FC 01 Dex Number 466 Evolves From Electabuzz Evolution Criteria Item #157 and Link Cable Male Base HP 38 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 38 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 ThunderShock 1 Quick Attack 1 Leer 1 Fire Punch 7 ThunderShock 10 Low Kick 16 Swift 19 Shock Wave 25 Light Screen 28 ThunderPunch 37 Discharge 43 Thunderbolt 52 Screech 58 Thunder 67 Giga Impact Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Earthquake Thunderbolt Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Charge Beam Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 507 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FB ID (Hex, Little Endian) FB 01 Dex Number 465 Evolves From Tangela Evolution Criteria Level 33 Male Base HP 32 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 1 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 2 Female Base HP 32 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 1 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 2 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Constrict 1 Ingrain 5 Sleep Powder 8 Absorb 12 Growth 15 PoisonPowder 19 Vine Whip 22 Bind 26 Mega Drain 29 Stun Spore 33 AncientPower 36 Knock Off 40 Natural Gift 43 Slam 47 Tickle 50 Wring Out 54 Power Whip 57 Block Moves (TM) Move Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Giga Drain Endure Psych Up Earthquake SolarBeam Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Payback Poison Jab Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 506 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1FA ID (Hex, Little Endian) FA 01 Dex Number 464 Evolves From Rhydon Evolution Criteria Item #153 and Link Cable Male Base HP 20 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 20 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Horn Attack 1 Stomp 1 Fury Attack 1 Poison Jab 3 Tail Whip 9 Stomp 13 Fury Attack 21 Scary Face 25 Rock Blast 33 Take Down 37 Horn Drill 42 Hammer Arm 45 Stone Edge 49 Earthquake 57 Megahorn 61 Rock Wrecker Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Thunderbolt Sandstorm Fire Blast Swords Dance Shock Wave Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stealth Rock Stone Edge Poison Jab Fling Captivate Avalanche Flash Cannon Dragon Pulse Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 505 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F9 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F9 01 Dex Number 463 Evolves From Lickitung Evolution Criteria Level 33 Male Base HP 45 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 45 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Lick 5 Supersonic 9 Defense Curl 13 Knock Off 17 Wrap 21 Stomp 25 Disable 29 Slam 33 Rollout 37 Me First 41 Refresh 45 Screech 49 Power Whip 53 Wring Out 57 Gyro Ball Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Sandstorm SolarBeam Explosion Fire Blast Swords Dance Shock Wave Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Gyro Ball Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 504 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F8 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F8 01 Dex Number 462 Evolves From Magneton Evolution Criteria Item #163 Male Base HP 44 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 14 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 44 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 14 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Metal Sound 1 Tackle 1 Supersonic 1 ThunderShock 3 Barrier 6 ThunderShock 7 Mirror Coat 11 Supersonic 14 SonicBoom 17 Thunder Wave 22 Spark 27 Lock-On 30 Magnet Bomb 34 Screech 40 Discharge 46 Mirror Shot 50 Magnet Rise 54 Gyro Ball 60 Zap Cannon Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psych Up Thunderbolt Explosion Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Gyro Ball Charge Beam Flash Cannon Moves (Egg) Move
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 503 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F7 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F7 01 Dex Number 461 Evolves From Sneasel Evolution Criteria Item #156 and Lunar Ribbon Male Base HP 27 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 27 Base Attack 14 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Revenge 1 Embargo 1 Assurance 2 Taunt 5 Quick Attack 7 Leer 8 Quick Attack 10 Screech 14 Faint Attack 21 Fury Swipes 24 Nasty Plot 28 Icy Wind 35 Night Slash 38 Fling 42 Metal Claw 49 Dark Pulse Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Thief Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute False Swipe Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Embargo X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Poison Jab Fling Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 502 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F6 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F6 01 Dex Number 460 Evolves From Snover Evolution Criteria Level 40 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Icy Wind 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 1 Razor Leaf 2 Ice Punch 5 Razor Leaf 9 Icy Wind 13 GrassWhistle 17 Swagger 21 Mist 26 Ice Shard 31 Ingrain 36 Wood Hammer 47 Blizzard 58 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Giga Drain Endure Earthquake Shadow Ball Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Fling Captivate Avalanche Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 501 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F5 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F5 01 Dex Number 459 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 5 Razor Leaf 9 Icy Wind 13 GrassWhistle 17 Swagger 21 Mist 26 Ice Shard 31 Ingrain 36 Wood Hammer 41 Blizzard 46 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Shadow Ball Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move Mist Double-Edge Growth Stomp Magical Leaf Leech Seed Seed Bomb
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 500 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F4 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F4 01 Dex Number 458 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 8 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 8 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 1 Tackle 4 Supersonic 10 BubbleBeam 13 Headbutt 19 Agility 22 Wing Attack 28 Water Pulse 31 Take Down 37 Confuse Ray 40 Bounce 46 Aqua Ring 49 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Earthquake Waterfall Aerial Ace Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Rock Slide Haze Signal Beam Slam Twister Mud Sport Hydro Pump Splash Water Sport Mirror Coat
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 499 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F3 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F3 01 Dex Number 457 Evolves From Finneon Evolution Criteria Level 31 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 1 Water Gun 1 Attract 6 Water Gun 10 Attract 13 Rain Dance 17 Gust 22 Water Pulse 26 Captivate 29 Safeguard 35 Aqua Ring 42 Whirlpool 48 U-turn 53 Bounce 59 Silver Wind Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Silver Wind Endure Psych Up Safeguard Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Brine Natural Gift Payback U-turn Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 498 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F2 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F2 01 Dex Number 456 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 6 Water Gun 10 Attract 13 Rain Dance 17 Gust 22 Water Pulse 26 Captivate 29 Safeguard 33 Aqua Ring 38 Whirlpool 42 U-turn 45 Bounce 49 Silver Wind Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Silver Wind Endure Psych Up Safeguard Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Defog Brine Natural Gift Payback U-turn Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Charm Tickle Agility Psybeam Flail Sweet Kiss Splash Aqua Tail
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 497 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F1 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F1 01 Dex Number 455 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 37 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 8 Female Base HP 37 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 19 Base Sp. Defense 8 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bind 1 Growth 7 Bite 11 Vine Whip 17 Sweet Scent 21 Ingrain 27 Faint Attack 31 Stockpile 31 Swallow 31 Spit Up 37 Crunch 41 Wring Out 47 Power Whip Moves (TM) Move Cut Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Payback Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Synthesis Stun Spore Slam Sleep Powder Razor Leaf Magical Leaf Leech Seed Worry Seed
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 496 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1F0 ID (Hex, Little Endian) F0 01 Dex Number 454 Evolves From Croagunk Evolution Criteria Level 37 Male Base HP 33 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 33 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 1 Poison Sting 1 Mud-Slap 3 Mud-Slap 8 Poison Sting 10 Taunt 15 Pursuit 17 Faint Attack 22 Revenge 24 Swagger 29 Mud Bomb 31 Sucker Punch 36 Nasty Plot 41 Poison Jab 49 Sludge Bomb 54 Flatter Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Shadow Ball Taunt Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Bulk Up Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Snatch Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Embargo X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Stone Edge Poison Jab Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 495 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1EF ID (Hex, Little Endian) EF 01 Dex Number 453 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 3 Mud-Slap 8 Poison Sting 10 Taunt 15 Pursuit 17 Faint Attack 22 Revenge 24 Swagger 29 Mud Bomb 31 Sucker Punch 36 Nasty Plot 38 Poison Jab 43 Sludge Bomb 45 Flatter Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Shadow Ball Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Bulk Up Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Snatch Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Embargo X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Poison Jab Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move SmellingSalt Cross Chop Headbutt Fake Out DynamicPunch Meditate Me First Vacuum Wave Bullet Punch Feint Wake-Up Slap
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 494 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1EE ID (Hex, Little Endian) EE 01 Dex Number 452 Evolves From Skorupi Evolution Criteria Level 40 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 14 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 16 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 14 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 16 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Ice Fang 1 Fire Fang 2 Poison Sting 4 Leer 5 Pin Missile 6 Leer 6 Thunder Fang 12 Pin Missile 17 Acupressure 23 Knock Off 28 Scary Face 34 Toxic Spikes 39 Poison Fang 44 Bug Bite 49 Crunch 58 Cross Poison Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Shadow Ball Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Roar Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Poison Jab Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 493 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1ED ID (Hex, Little Endian) ED 01 Dex Number 451 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 31 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 1 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 2 Female Base HP 31 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 1 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 2 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Poison Sting 6 Leer 12 Pin Missile 17 Acupressure 23 Knock Off 28 Scary Face 34 Toxic Spikes 37 Bug Bite 39 Poison Fang 45 Crunch 50 Cross Poison Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Shadow Ball Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Poison Jab Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Confuse Ray Screech Pursuit Slash Agility Sand-Attack Faint Attack Whirlwind Night Slash
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 492 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1EC ID (Hex, Little Endian) EC 01 Dex Number 450 Evolves From Hippopotas Evolution Criteria Level 34 Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Tackle 1 Ice Fang 1 Fire Fang 3 Sand-Attack 5 Thunder Fang 7 Bite 13 Yawn 19 Take Down 25 Sand Tomb 31 Crunch 40 Earthquake 50 Double-Edge 60 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 491 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1EB ID (Hex, Little Endian) EB 01 Dex Number 449 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Sand-Attack 1 Tackle 7 Bite 13 Yawn 19 Take Down 25 Sand Tomb 31 Crunch 37 Earthquake 44 Double-Edge 50 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Stealth Rock Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Sand Tomb Slack Off Body Slam Curse
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 490 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1EA ID (Hex, Little Endian) EA 01 Dex Number 448 Evolves From Riolu Evolution Criteria 100 IQ Points Male Base HP 20 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 2 Female Base HP 20 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 2 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Quick Attack 1 Detect 1 Foresight 1 Metal Claw 2 Dark Pulse 6 Counter 11 Force Palm 15 Feint 19 Bone Rush 24 Metal Sound 29 Me First 33 Swords Dance 37 Aura Sphere 42 Close Combat 47 Dragon Pulse 51 ExtremeSpeed Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Earthquake Shadow Ball Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Bulk Up Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stone Edge Poison Jab Drain Punch Fling Captivate Flash Cannon Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 489 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1E9 ID (Hex, Little Endian) E9 01 Dex Number 447 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 20 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 2 Female Base HP 20 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 2 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Endure 1 Quick Attack 1 Foresight 6 Counter 11 Force Palm 15 Feint 19 Reversal 24 Screech 29 Copycat Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Bulk Up Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Poison Jab Drain Punch Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Crunch Bite Cross Chop Low Kick Agility Mind Reader Sky Uppercut Iron Defense Hi Jump Kick Blaze Kick Detect Vacuum Wave Bullet Punch
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 488 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1E8 ID (Hex, Little Endian) E8 01 Dex Number 446 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Metronome 4 Defense Curl 6 Odor Sleuth 9 Amnesia 12 Lick 17 Recycle 20 Screech 25 Stockpile 28 Swallow 33 Body Slam 36 Fling 41 Rollout 44 Natural Gift 49 Last Resort Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Sandstorm SolarBeam Fire Blast Shock Wave Toxic Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Recycle Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move Charm Pursuit Lick Double-Edge Curse Whirlwind Substitute Zen Headbutt
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 487 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x1E7 ID (Hex, Little Endian) E7 01 Dex Number 445 Evolves From Gabite Evolution Criteria Level 48 Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 29 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 30 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 20 Base Defense 29 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Sandstorm 1 Sand-Attack 1 Tackle 1 Dragon Rage 2 Fire Fang 3 Sand-Attack 7 Dragon Rage 13 Sandstorm 15 Take Down 19 Sand Tomb 28 Slash 33 Dragon Claw 40 Dig 48 Crunch 55 Dragon Rush 72 Draco Meteor Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Fire Blast Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Dragon Claw Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stealth Rock Stone Edge Poison Jab Fling Captivate Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
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