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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Scyther Category Mantis Pokémon Types Abilities Swarm Technician Hidden Ability Steadfast Description Its two sharp scythes are more than just weapons. It uses them with dexterity to dress its prey before eating. Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 56 kg (123.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 100 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 110 1 Defense 80 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 105 0 BST 500 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.25 x2 x1 x0 x4 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 x0.25 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Scyther   Scizor Trade with Held Item: Metal Coat   Scizor (Mega) Mega evolve with Scizorite Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Vacuum Wave 1 Quick Attack 1 Leer 5 Focus Energy 9 Pursuit 13 False Swipe 17 Agility 21 Wing Attack 25 Fury Cutter 29 Slash 33 Razor Wind 37 Double Team 41 X-Scissor 45 Night Slash 49 Double Hit 50 Air Slash 57 Swords Dance 61 Feint Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Roost Safeguard Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Steel Wing False Swipe Brutal Swing Giga Impact Swords Dance X-Scissor Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Counter                           Baton Pass                                           Razor Wind (Requires chain breeding)           Reversal         Endure                                                     Silver Wind                                           Bug Buzz                                                                       Night Slash                           Defog (Requires chain breeding) Steel Wing (Requires chain breeding) Quick Guard  
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Mr. Mime Category Barrier Pokémon Types Abilities Soundproof Filter Hidden Ability Technician Description Its pantomime skills are wonderful. You may become enraptured while watching it, but next thing you know, Mr. Mime has made a real wall. Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 54.5 kg (120.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Human-Like Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 161 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 45 0 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 100 0 Sp. Defense 120 2 Speed 90 0 BST 460 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.25 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Mime Jr.   Mr. Mime Level Up with Move: Mimic Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Misty Terrain 1 Magical Leaf 1 Quick Guard 1 Wide Guard 1 Power Swap 1 Guard Swap 1 Barrier 1 Pound 1 Confusion 4 Copycat 8 Meditate 11 Double Slap 15 Mimic 15 Psywave 18 Encore 22 Light Screen 22 Reflect 25 Psybeam 29 Substitute 32 Recycle 36 Trick 39 Psychic 43 Role Play 46 Baton Pass 50 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Aerial Ace Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Payback Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Infestation Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight               Hypnosis       Mimic (Requires chain breeding) Fake Out                                 Trick           Confuse Ray           Wake-Up Slap                           Teeter Dance           Nasty Plot                       Power Split         Magic Room       Icy Wind (Requires chain breeding)   Psychic Terrain            
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Starmie Category Mysterious Pokémon Types Abilities Illuminate Natural Cure Hidden Ability Analytic Description Its sparkling core is called “the gem of the sea.” This core can be made into high-priced accessories that are traded in secret. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 80 kg (176.4 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Water 3 Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Stardust (50%) Held Item 2 Star Piece (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 182 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 75 0 Defense 85 0 Sp. Attack 100 0 Sp. Defense 85 0 Speed 115 2 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Staryu   Starmie Used Item: Water Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Hydro Pump 1 Spotlight 1 Water Gun 1 Rapid Spin 1 Recover 1 Swift 40 Confuse Ray Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Round Scald Giga Impact Thunder Wave Gyro Ball Psych Up Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Trick Room Surf Waterfall Dazzling Gleam Confide
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Staryu Category Star Shape Pokémon Type Abilities Illuminate Natural Cure Hidden Ability Analytic Description In many places, there are folktales of stardust falling into the ocean and becoming Staryu. Height 0.8 m (2'7") Weight 34.5 kg (76.1 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Water 3 Details Catch Rate 225 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 1 Stardust (50%) Held Item 2 Star Piece (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 68 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 30 0 Attack 45 0 Defense 55 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 55 0 Speed 85 1 BST 340 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Staryu   Starmie Used Item: Water Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Harden 4 Water Gun 7 Rapid Spin 10 Recover 13 Psywave 16 Swift 18 Bubble Beam 22 Camouflage 24 Gyro Ball 28 Brine 31 Minimize 35 Reflect Type 37 Power Gem 40 Confuse Ray 42 Psychic 46 Light Screen 49 Cosmic Power 53 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Facade Rest Round Scald Thunder Wave Gyro Ball Psych Up Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Surf Waterfall Dazzling Gleam Confide
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Seaking Category Goldfish Pokémon Type Abilities Swift Swim Water Veil Hidden Ability Lightning Rod Description Its horn spins like a drill to steadily hollow out rocks—even harder ones. The coloration of the male is more vivid. Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 39 kg (86.0 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Mystic Water (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 158 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 92 2 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 65 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 68 0 BST 450 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Goldeen   Seaking Level Up at level 33 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Megahorn 1 Poison Jab 1 Peck 1 Tail Whip 1 Water Sport 1 Supersonic 5 Supersonic 8 Horn Attack 13 Flail 16 Water Pulse 21 Aqua Ring 24 Fury Attack 29 Agility 32 Waterfall 40 Horn Drill 46 Soak 54 Megahorn Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Smart Strike Giga Impact Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Psybeam                 Haze (Requires chain breeding)       Hydro Pump                                   Sleep Talk (Requires chain breeding)       Mud Sport         Mud-Slap       Aqua Tail                         Body Slam (Requires chain breeding)     Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)             Skull Bash     Signal Beam              
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Goldeen Category Goldfish Pokémon Type Abilities Swift Swim Water Veil Hidden Ability Lightning Rod Description Although known for their splendid tail fins, Goldeen apparently compete among themselves to see whose horn is thickest and sharpest. Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 15 kg (33.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 225 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Mystic Water (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 64 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 0 Attack 67 1 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 35 0 Sp. Defense 50 0 Speed 63 0 BST 320 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Goldeen   Seaking Level Up at level 33 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Peck 1 Tail Whip 1 Water Sport 5 Supersonic 8 Horn Attack 13 Flail 16 Water Pulse 21 Aqua Ring 24 Fury Attack 29 Agility 32 Waterfall 37 Horn Drill 40 Soak 45 Megahorn Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Smart Strike Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Psybeam                 Haze (Requires chain breeding)       Hydro Pump                                   Sleep Talk (Requires chain breeding)       Mud Sport         Mud-Slap       Aqua Tail                         Body Slam (Requires chain breeding)     Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)             Skull Bash     Signal Beam              
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Seadra Category Dragon Pokémon Type Abilities Poison Point Sniper Hidden Ability Damp Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 25 kg (55.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Dragon Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Dragon Scale (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 154 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 55 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 95 1 Sp. Attack 95 1 Sp. Defense 45 0 Speed 85 0 BST 440 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Horsea   Seadra Level Up at level 32   Kingdra Trade with Held Item: Dragon Scale Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Hydro Pump 1 Bubble 1 Smokescreen 1 Leer 1 Water Gun 5 Smokescreen 9 Leer 13 Water Gun 17 Twister 21 Bubble Beam 26 Focus Energy 31 Brine 38 Agility 45 Dragon Pulse 52 Dragon Dance 60 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Giga Impact Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Flail                                                                 Aurora Beam                             Octazooka     Disable                         Splash                     Dragon Rage                                                 Dragon Breath                                                   Signal Beam                     Razor Wind                       Muddy Water                                                         Water Pulse                                                                                                                   Clear Smog (Requires chain breeding)         Outrage                                            
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Horsea Category Dragon Pokémon Type Abilities Swift Swim Sniper Hidden Ability Damp Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 8 kg (17.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Dragon Details Catch Rate 225 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Dragon Scale (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 59 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 30 0 Attack 40 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 70 1 Sp. Defense 25 0 Speed 60 0 BST 295 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Horsea   Seadra Level Up at level 32   Kingdra Trade with Held Item: Dragon Scale Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 5 Smokescreen 9 Leer 13 Water Gun 17 Twister 21 Bubble Beam 26 Focus Energy 31 Brine 36 Agility 41 Dragon Pulse 46 Dragon Dance 52 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Double Team Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Flail                                                                 Aurora Beam                             Octazooka     Disable                         Splash                     Dragon Rage                                                 Dragon Breath                                                   Signal Beam                     Razor Wind                       Muddy Water                                                         Water Pulse                                                                                                                   Clear Smog (Requires chain breeding)         Outrage                                            
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Kangaskhan Category Parent Pokémon Type Abilities Early Bird Scrappy Hidden Ability Inner Focus Description Kangaskhan protects its child by keeping it in its pouch. It has zero forgiveness for those who harm its child and will beat them down. Height 2.2 m (7'3") Weight 80 kg (176.4 lbs.) Gender All Female Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 172 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 105 2 Attack 95 0 Defense 80 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 90 0 BST 490 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Kangaskhan   Kangaskhan (Mega) Mega evolve with Kangaskhanite Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Comet Punch 1 Leer 7 Fake Out 10 Tail Whip 13 Bite 19 Double Hit 22 Rage 25 Mega Punch 31 Chip Away 34 Dizzy Punch 37 Crunch 43 Endure 46 Outrage 49 Sucker Punch 50 Reversal Moves (TM) Move Work Up Roar Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Fling Shadow Claw Giga Impact Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Stomp                                                       Foresight               Focus Energy                                 Disable                       Counter (Requires chain breeding)                                             Crush Claw (Requires chain breeding)               Double-Edge                                                     Endeavor                                         Hammer Arm                     Focus Punch (Requires chain breeding)       Trump Card   Uproar             Circle Throw (Requires chain breeding)      
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Tangela Category Vine Pokémon Type Abilities Chlorophyll Leaf Guard Hidden Ability Regenerator Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 35 kg (77.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Grass Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 87 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 65 0 Attack 55 0 Defense 115 1 Sp. Attack 100 0 Sp. Defense 40 0 Speed 60 0 BST 435 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Tangela   Tangrowth Level Up with Move: Ancient Power Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Ingrain 1 Constrict 4 Sleep Powder 7 Vine Whip 10 Absorb 14 Poison Powder 17 Bind 20 Growth 23 Mega Drain 27 Knock Off 30 Stun Spore 33 Natural Gift 36 Giga Drain 38 Ancient Power 41 Slam 44 Tickle 46 Wring Out 48 Grassy Terrain 50 Power Whip Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Return Double Team Reflect Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Giga Impact Swords Dance Psych Up Infestation Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Flail                           Confusion             Mega Drain                                                             Amnesia (Requires chain breeding)                               Leech Seed                                                                                                     Nature Power                                             Endeavor     Leaf Storm                                                       Power Swap (Requires chain breeding)           Giga Drain                                                                               Rage Powder                   Natural Gift                                                                 Wake-Up Slap (Requires chain breeding)    
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Chansey Category Egg Pokémon Type Abilities Natural Cure Serene Grace Hidden Ability Healer Description It seems that other Pokémon’s efforts to take its delicious, nutritious egg away from it caused Chansey to get faster at fleeing. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 34.6 kg (76.3 lbs.) Gender All Female Egg Group Fairy Details Catch Rate 30 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Lucky Punch (50%) Hatch Cycles 40 Base Friendship 140 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 395 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 250 2 Attack 5 0 Defense 5 0 Sp. Attack 35 0 Sp. Defense 105 0 Speed 50 0 BST 450 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Happiny   Chansey Level Up with Held Item (Day): Oval Stone   Blissey Level Up with Friendship Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double-Edge 1 Defense Curl 1 Pound 1 Growl 5 Tail Whip 9 Refresh 12 Double Slap 16 Soft-Boiled 20 Bestow 23 Minimize 27 Take Down 31 Sing 35 Fling 39 Heal Pulse 44 Egg Bomb 50 Light Screen 57 Healing Wish 65 Double-Edge Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Toxic Hail Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Fling Charge Beam Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Wild Charge Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Present (Requires chain breeding)                           Metronome           Heal Bell         Aromatherapy                                             Counter   Helping Hand                                   Gravity       Mud Bomb (Requires chain breeding)     Natural Gift (Requires chain breeding)                   Endure             Seismic Toss (Requires chain breeding)  
  12. Version .


    By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds, where the genetically engineered Pokemon Mewtwo resides. The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny. The details below refer to this specific file. Species Mewtwo Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Docile Ability Pressure (1) Item None Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Psychic Recover Swift Psycho Cut Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0810
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Rhydon Category Drill Pokémon Types Abilities Lightning Rod Rock Head Hidden Ability Reckless Height 1.9 m (6'3") Weight 120 kg (264.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Monster Field Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 170 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 105 0 Attack 130 2 Defense 120 0 Sp. Attack 45 0 Sp. Defense 45 0 Speed 40 0 BST 485 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.25 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x4 x4 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Rhyhorn   Rhydon Level Up at level 42   Rhyperior Trade with Held Item: Protector Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Hammer Arm 1 Hammer Arm 1 Horn Drill 1 Horn Attack 1 Tail Whip 1 Fury Attack 1 Scary Face 5 Fury Attack 9 Scary Face 13 Smack Down 17 Stomp 21 Bulldoze 25 Chip Away 29 Rock Blast 33 Drill Run 37 Take Down 41 Stone Edge 48 Earthquake 55 Megahorn 62 Horn Drill Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Smack Down Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Fling Brutal Swing Shadow Claw Payback Smart Strike Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Crunch                                                                                                                                                                               Reversal                                                                           Counter                                                                                                                           Magnitude                                 Curse                                                                                                                                                                     Crush Claw                                                 Dragon Rush                       Ice Fang                                                               Fire Fang                                                                                             Thunder Fang                                                                   Skull Bash                                     Iron Tail                                                                                           Rock Climb                                               Rototiller                         Metal Burst               Guard Split (Requires chain breeding)      
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Rhyhorn Category Spikes Pokémon Types Abilities Lightning Rod Rock Head Hidden Ability Reckless Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 115 kg (253.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Monster Field Details Catch Rate 120 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 69 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 85 0 Defense 95 1 Sp. Attack 30 0 Sp. Defense 30 0 Speed 25 0 BST 345 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x0.5 x0.25 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x4 x4 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Rhyhorn   Rhydon Level Up at level 42   Rhyperior Trade with Held Item: Protector Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Horn Attack 1 Tail Whip 5 Fury Attack 9 Scary Face 13 Smack Down 17 Stomp 21 Bulldoze 25 Chip Away 29 Rock Blast 33 Drill Run 37 Take Down 41 Stone Edge 45 Earthquake 49 Megahorn 53 Horn Drill Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Smack Down Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Payback Smart Strike Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Bulldoze Rock Slide Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Crunch                                                                                                                                                                               Reversal                                                                           Counter                                                                                                                           Magnitude                                 Curse                                                                                                                                                                     Crush Claw                                                 Dragon Rush                       Ice Fang                                                               Fire Fang                                                                                             Thunder Fang                                                                   Skull Bash                                     Iron Tail                                                                                           Rock Climb                                               Rototiller                         Metal Burst               Guard Split (Requires chain breeding)      
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Weezing Category Poison Gas Pokémon Type Ability Levitate Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 9.5 kg (20.9 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Smoke Ball (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 172 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 65 0 Attack 90 0 Defense 120 2 Sp. Attack 85 0 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 60 0 BST 490 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Koffing   Weezing Level Up at level 35 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Double Hit 1 Double Hit 1 Poison Gas 1 Tackle 1 Smog 1 Smokescreen 4 Smog 7 Smokescreen 12 Assurance 15 Clear Smog 18 Sludge 23 Self-Destruct 26 Haze 29 Gyro Ball 34 Sludge Bomb 40 Explosion 46 Destiny Bond 51 Belch 57 Memento Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Will-O-Wisp Explosion Payback Giga Impact Gyro Ball Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Screech                 Psywave                   Psybeam   Destiny Bond                                                           Pain Split                                                         Grudge                                       Spite                   Curse                                                                 Stockpile                         Swallow                         Spit Up                         Toxic Spikes (Requires chain breeding)     Venom Drench            
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Koffing Category Poison Gas Pokémon Type Ability Levitate Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Amorphous Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Smoke Ball (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 68 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 65 0 Defense 95 1 Sp. Attack 60 0 Sp. Defense 45 0 Speed 35 0 BST 340 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Koffing   Weezing Level Up at level 35 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Poison Gas 1 Tackle 4 Smog 7 Smokescreen 12 Assurance 15 Clear Smog 18 Sludge 23 Self-Destruct 26 Haze 29 Gyro Ball 34 Sludge Bomb 37 Explosion 40 Destiny Bond 42 Belch 45 Memento Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Double Team Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Will-O-Wisp Explosion Payback Gyro Ball Infestation Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Screech                 Psywave                   Psybeam   Destiny Bond                                                           Pain Split                                                         Grudge                                       Spite                   Curse                                                                 Stockpile                         Swallow                         Spit Up                         Toxic Spikes (Requires chain breeding)     Venom Drench            
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Lickitung Category Licking Pokémon Type Abilities Own Tempo Oblivious Hidden Ability Cloud Nine Description It checks out whatever’s around it by licking everything. If you don’t clean off a spot where it’s licked you, you’ll break out in a rash! Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 65.5 kg (144.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Lagging Tail (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 77 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 90 2 Attack 55 0 Defense 75 0 Sp. Attack 60 0 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 30 0 BST 385 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Lickitung   Lickilicky Level Up with Move: Rollout Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Lick 5 Supersonic 9 Defense Curl 13 Knock Off 17 Wrap 21 Stomp 25 Disable 29 Slam 33 Rollout 37 Chip Away 41 Me First 45 Refresh 49 Screech 53 Power Whip 57 Wring Out Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Earthquake Return Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Fling Brutal Swing Giga Impact Swords Dance Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Belly Drum                   Magnitude (Requires chain breeding)       Body Slam                                             Curse                                                                     Smelling Salts (Requires chain breeding)             Sleep Talk                 Snore               Amnesia                         Hammer Arm                   Muddy Water           Zen Headbutt           Belch (Requires chain breeding)             Thrash                                          
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Hitmonchan Category Punching Pokémon Type Abilities Keen Eye Iron Fist Hidden Ability Inner Focus Height 1.4 m (4'7") Weight 50.2 kg (110.7 lbs.) Gender All Male Egg Group Human-Like Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 159 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 105 0 Defense 79 0 Sp. Attack 35 0 Sp. Defense 110 2 Speed 76 0 BST 455 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Tyrogue   Hitmonchan Level Up (Attack < Defense) at level 20   Hitmonlee Level Up (Attack > Defense) at level 20   Hitmontop Level Up (Attack = Defense) at level 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Comet Punch 1 Comet Punch 1 Close Combat 1 Counter 1 Focus Punch 1 Revenge 1 Agility 1 Pursuit 1 Mach Punch 6 Agility 11 Pursuit 16 Mach Punch 16 Bullet Punch 21 Feint 26 Vacuum Wave 31 Quick Guard 36 Thunder Punch 36 Ice Punch 36 Fire Punch 41 Sky Uppercut 46 Mega Punch 50 Detect 56 Focus Punch 61 Counter 66 Close Combat Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Low Sweep Round Focus Blast Fling Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Rapid Spin (Requires chain breeding)   High Jump Kick               Mach Punch               Mind Reader       Helping Hand               Counter                                       Vacuum Wave (Requires chain breeding)       Bullet Punch                       Endure                           Pursuit         Feint                              
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Hitmonlee Category Kicking Pokémon Type Abilities Limber Reckless Hidden Ability Unburden Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 49.8 kg (109.8 lbs.) Gender All Male Egg Group Human-Like Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 159 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 120 2 Defense 53 0 Sp. Attack 35 0 Sp. Defense 110 0 Speed 87 0 BST 455 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Tyrogue   Hitmonchan Level Up (Attack < Defense) at level 20   Hitmonlee Level Up (Attack > Defense) at level 20   Hitmontop Level Up (Attack = Defense) at level 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Double Kick 1 Double Kick 1 Reversal 1 Close Combat 1 Mega Kick 1 Revenge 1 Meditate 1 Rolling Kick 1 Jump Kick 5 Meditate 9 Rolling Kick 13 Jump Kick 17 Brick Break 21 Focus Energy 25 Feint 29 High Jump Kick 33 Mind Reader 37 Foresight 41 Wide Guard 45 Blaze Kick 49 Endure 53 Mega Kick 57 Close Combat 61 Reversal Moves (TM) Move Work Up Toxic Bulk Up Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Low Sweep Round Focus Blast Fling Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Rapid Spin (Requires chain breeding)   High Jump Kick               Mach Punch               Mind Reader       Helping Hand               Counter                                       Vacuum Wave (Requires chain breeding)       Bullet Punch                       Endure                           Pursuit         Feint                              
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Marowak Category Bone Keeper Pokémon Type Abilities Rock Head Lightning Rod Hidden Ability Battle Armor Description It throws bones at Mandibuzz to knock it down. It’s thought that Marowak is trying to avenge its parent. Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 45 kg (99.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Thick Club (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 3 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 149 Escape Rate 3 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 80 0 Defense 110 2 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 45 0 BST 425 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Marowak (Alola)   Marowak (Large) Evolution Chain Target Method   Cubone   Marowak Level Up in Ultra Wormhole at level 28   Marowak (Alola) Level Up at Night at level 28 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 1 Tail Whip 1 Bone Club 1 Headbutt 3 Tail Whip 7 Bone Club 11 Headbutt 13 Leer 17 Focus Energy 21 Bonemerang 23 Rage 27 False Swipe 33 Thrash 37 Fling 43 Stomping Tantrum 49 Endeavor 53 Double-Edge 59 Retaliate 65 Bone Rush Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Smack Down Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Focus Blast False Swipe Fling Brutal Swing Giga Impact Stone Edge Swords Dance Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Ancient Power                                                 Belly Drum                   Screech                                                 Skull Bash                           Perish Song   Double Kick               Iron Head                           Detect       Endure                             Chip Away                                         Curse                                                                    
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Cubone Category Lonely Pokémon Type Abilities Rock Head Lightning Rod Hidden Ability Battle Armor Description At night, it weeps loudly for its dead mother, but those cries only attract its natural enemy—Mandibuzz. Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Monster Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Thick Club (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 64 Escape Rate 15 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 50 0 Defense 95 1 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 50 0 Speed 35 0 BST 320 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Cubone   Marowak Level Up in Ultra Wormhole at level 28   Marowak (Alola) Level Up at Night at level 28 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 3 Tail Whip 7 Bone Club 11 Headbutt 13 Leer 17 Focus Energy 21 Bonemerang 23 Rage 27 False Swipe 31 Thrash 33 Fling 37 Stomping Tantrum 41 Endeavor 43 Double-Edge 47 Retaliate 51 Bone Rush Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Frustration Smack Down Earthquake Return Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice False Swipe Fling Brutal Swing Swords Dance Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Ancient Power                                                 Belly Drum                   Screech                                                 Skull Bash                           Perish Song   Double Kick               Iron Head                           Detect       Endure                             Chip Away                                         Curse                                                                    
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Exeggutor Category Coconut Pokémon Types Ability Chlorophyll Hidden Ability Harvest Description It engages its enemies using psychic powers. Each of its three heads fires off psychokinetic energy, tripling its power. Height 2 m (6'7") Weight 120 kg (264.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Grass Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 186 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 95 0 Attack 95 0 Defense 85 0 Sp. Attack 125 2 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 55 0 BST 530 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 Alternate Forms Form   Exeggutor (Alola) Evolution Chain Target Method   Exeggcute   Exeggutor Used Item Leaf Stone in Ultra Wormhole   Exeggutor (Alola) Used Item: Leaf Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Stomp 1 Stomp 1 Seed Bomb 1 Barrage 1 Hypnosis 1 Confusion 17 Psyshock 27 Egg Bomb 37 Wood Hammer 47 Leaf Storm Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Explosion Giga Impact Swords Dance Psych Up Infestation Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Synthesis                                                                                 Moonlight         Ancient Power           Ingrain                                                                           Curse                           Nature Power                                             Lucky Chant             Leaf Storm                                                     Power Swap (Requires chain breeding)           Giga Drain                                                                               Skill Swap (Requires chain breeding) Natural Gift                                                                 Block       Grassy Terrain                                                              
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Exeggcute Category Egg Pokémon Types Ability Chlorophyll Hidden Ability Harvest Description Six of them form a single Pokémon. Should one of the six be lost, the next morning there will once more be six. Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Grass Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Psychic Seed (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Pink Base Exp 65 Escape Rate 15 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 40 0 Defense 80 1 Sp. Attack 60 0 Sp. Defense 45 0 Speed 40 0 BST 325 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Exeggcute   Exeggutor Used Item Leaf Stone in Ultra Wormhole   Exeggutor (Alola) Used Item: Leaf Stone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Barrage 1 Uproar 1 Hypnosis 7 Reflect 11 Leech Seed 17 Bullet Seed 19 Stun Spore 21 Poison Powder 23 Sleep Powder 27 Confusion 33 Worry Seed 37 Natural Gift 43 Solar Beam 47 Extrasensory 50 Bestow Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Light Screen Protect Frustration Solar Beam Return Psychic Double Team Reflect Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Energy Ball Explosion Swords Dance Psych Up Infestation Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Synthesis                                                                                 Moonlight         Ancient Power           Ingrain                                                                           Curse                           Nature Power                                             Lucky Chant             Leaf Storm                                                     Power Swap (Requires chain breeding)           Giga Drain                                                                               Skill Swap (Requires chain breeding) Natural Gift                                                                 Block       Grassy Terrain                                                              
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Electrode Category Ball Pokémon Type Abilities Soundproof Static Hidden Ability Aftermath Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 66.6 kg (146.8 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 172 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 50 0 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 80 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 150 2 BST 490 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Voltorb   Electrode Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Magnetic Flux 1 Charge 1 Tackle 1 Sonic Boom 1 Eerie Impulse 4 Sonic Boom 6 Eerie Impulse 9 Spark 11 Rollout 13 Screech 16 Charge Beam 20 Swift 22 Electro Ball 26 Self-Destruct 29 Light Screen 36 Magnet Rise 41 Discharge 47 Explosion 54 Gyro Ball 58 Mirror Coat Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Taunt Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Double Team Torment Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Explosion Giga Impact Volt Switch Thunder Wave Gyro Ball Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Wild Charge Confide
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Voltorb Category Ball Pokémon Type Abilities Soundproof Static Hidden Ability Aftermath Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 10.4 kg (22.9 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 66 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 30 0 Defense 50 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 55 0 Speed 100 1 BST 330 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Voltorb   Electrode Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Charge 1 Tackle 4 Sonic Boom 6 Eerie Impulse 9 Spark 11 Rollout 13 Screech 16 Charge Beam 20 Swift 22 Electro Ball 26 Self-Destruct 29 Light Screen 34 Magnet Rise 37 Discharge 41 Explosion 46 Gyro Ball 48 Mirror Coat Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Taunt Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Thunderbolt Thunder Return Double Team Torment Facade Rest Thief Round Charge Beam Explosion Volt Switch Thunder Wave Gyro Ball Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Wild Charge Confide
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