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Everything posted by Unai

  1. First: I'm sorry, my english is terrible. Today I received a Beast Ball Rowlet via Wonter Trade. I was scared that it could be an illegal Pokémon. I checked in PKHEX and it was illegal there too. But it is possible to have Alola Starters (and Charizard family) in other balls. Their origin is Japanese, by Moncollé Get. The site below explains how it works, basically you scan the QR Code and the Pokémon will be available in Island Scan. (you can breed it too) http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/pokemon/moncolle_get/ The most notable Pokémons that can receive different balls now are: Rowlet, Littlen, Popplio, Charizard(Charmander/Charmeleon) Meow! That's Right!~ ---- Screenshots: Beast Ball Rowlet File: 722 - Rowlet - 8F7717471EA3.pk7
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