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  1. Well, I was just saying that it's not totally separate from battles in general, for that reason ^^' Anyway, I understand that it's a lot of work, so thank you anyway for the answer!
  2. Well, if somebody doesn't notice this, he could be banned from a Tournament ^^'
  3. Exactly! I'm happy to have made you understand, and sorry again for my bad English ^^'
  4. Yesterday I changed the origin of a Xurkitree (not an evolved Pokémon) from Japanese to Italian and it was flagged as legal, but the A/O was written in Japanese (I noticed it in game). EDIT: Well, the situation was a little different from what you have written: I changed the origin of Xurkitree in Italian, and his name was "Xurkitree" as expected, but the A/O was in Japanese, and it's impossible. It's not possible even for evolved Pokémon (the country origin must match with the way the A/O is written) Edit2: I'm sorry for my bad English, I think it's not A/O in English xD I meant, the original trainer (O/T maybe?)
  5. Hi, I'm hoping that this is the correct section to write this. I noticed a bug in the legality check in pkhex: if you take a Pokémon caught by a Japanese (for example) and you just change the language of the Pokémon (for example in English), pkhex says it is legal, but it shouldn't be legal if you don't change the name of the original trainer, because it's impossible to have a name written in Japanese if the chosen language is English. Thank you for the attention
  6. Hi! I'm sorry for my bad English ^^' I've noticed that pkhex says that gen 3 and gen 4 starters with HA in Dusk Ball are not legal, but if I'm not wrong (I'm not sure) you could catch them in Dream World in gen 5 with any Ball, but they only were male. So, in gen 6 it was impossible to breed them in a Ball that wasn't a Poké Ball, but if you breed a male starter catched in gen 5 in Dusk Ball with Ditto in gen 7, you should get it in a Dusk Ball. (I would like to know if I am wrong, I'm not sure if you could catch those Pokémon in DW as any other Pokémon ^^') Thank you very much!
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