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Everything posted by 1fatpanda

  1. hey sorry for the late reply. my 3ds is an english n3ds. it is from the monster hunter limited edition package that came out last year. i dont recall any specific firmware that it came with. it did have monhun 4u installed on it but that is currently not installed atm
  2. So corruption is detected when I load moon. I seem to notice that JKSM imports the file quickly if the save is corrupted and a little slower when not (if that helps at all) I am using the soundhax homebrew that came out recently (the screen when i go into the launcher is 1.1.1) i think the save program is jksm (so im pretty sure im not using savedatafiler) Edit 2: need to head out for a bit. I'll check back on here in a few. thanks in advance for any help
  3. So I currently am using PKhex. I am able to change small things (ie delete a pokemon i own or make it shiny) however whenever i try to gen a pokemon, The save data becomes corrupted. So far I have copied everything done in this video and everything works fine or seems to work the same until I import the new save data. I would really appreciate if anyone has some suggestions/ideas as to what I am doing wrong.
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