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Posts posted by mariosmentor

  1. I'm trying to upload every version of the Trainer Card from Black 1/White 1 onto The Spriters Resource. However, I have no access whatsoever to the final Trainer Card, the Black/White Card. To get this particular card, one has to do ALL of the following:

    1. Beat the main story.

    2. Complete the National Pokédex, minus event-only 'mons.

    3. Collect all 100 Pokémon Musical Props.

    4. Unlock all 33 Pass Powers in the Entralink.

    5. Defeat Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet in the Super Single and Super Double Trains, respectively, in the Battle Subway.

    Normally, I would do this myself, and in fact tried to, but when I completed the Subway Trains, my card didn't update. I even completed the Super Multi Train, but to no avail. My best guess is that I breezed through the Subway with a Wondereye/Wondertomb combo, and the game somehow detected that, and punished me for cheating. However, if that were the case, then why did the game still reward me with trophies for beating the Subway Bosses? So, if anyone is willing to do so, could you try providing me with a save file with the final Trainer Card rewarded? If it makes the task any easier, I'll provide an older Black 1 save file that has done everything except for the Battle Subway. Thank you in advance.


    EDIT: I figured out why my card didn't update! When I first attempted to beat the Battle Subway, I got frustrated at my constant losses, and tried hacking in the required win streaks via PKHeX. That didn't work, so I reverted the hacked win records to 0, and swept the Subway with a Wondertomb/Wondereye combo. Apparently, my earlier meddling broke the code that tells the game to change my card color. I spent the whole day starting over on an older save from before I tried hacking, BUT I still used the Wonder Guard duo. This time, I did get the color change. So really, the joke's on me for trying to cheese my way through it, but I have no regrets. 

    TL;DR Wanna cheat at Battle Subway? Don't bother changing your win records, just use Wondertomb/Wondereye.

    Black 1.sav

  2. I'm trying to use the Pokered disassembly to recreate the Japanese Red and Green, but one of the changes I need to make is to restore the original Japanese tilesets. The only halfway-decent tutorial out there says to just simply edit the respective PNG in any editor and put it back where you got it from, all while retaining the original monochrome color, which I did, but when I tested this out, there was NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. Can someone help me out here?

  3. So, I started a new game on Diamond. Named myself Ross. Two badges in, I realized I hated the name Ross, and preferred Darrell. So, I busted open the latest version of PKHex, and changed my name to Darrell. For good measure, I edited all my Pokemon's OT name to Darrell (except for a Chatot I got in a trade). When I opened up my game, it showed the save file, renamed to Darrell, so far so good. But when I pressed A, all I got was two black screens, never changing, no sound whatsoever, just black screens. If I screwed myself over, I'm never using PKHex on a Gen IV save ever again. And no, I don't have before/after saves.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm using an R4i 3DS SDHC RTS. And yes, I made sure I got the latest firmware.

    EDIT 2: I checked the FAQ, and yes, my save file is 512KB.

  4. I've done some research regarding the Japanese event Celebi given away via Colosseum's bonus disc (in Japan), otherwise known as Ageto Celebi. Most of what I found was arguments over whether or not Ageto Celebi can be shiny. One person in particular claimed that he and his friend had done extensive research, and discovered Ageto Celebi can be shiny, albeit extremely unlikely, but apparently deleted their findings out of fear of a lawsuit. Honestly, it seems sketchy, but despite most people insisting that Ageto Celebi CANNOT be shiny, no one was able to provide the algorithm that proves this statement, as if they're just blindly believing what someone said. What I'm asking is, well, does anyone here have any solid evidence proving the possibility or impossibility of Ageto Celebi being shiny? If no algorithms or the like are brought to my attention, then I'll have no choice but to assume that a shiny Ageto Celebi is indeed viable.

  5. Did you fix the checksums? If not, opening then immediately saving in PKHeX should fix them.

    I......never knew about checksums. I'll check that out tomorrow.

    EDIT: It didn't work.

    EDIT#2: I got it to work! How? By comparing my save with Aladore's in HxD, and making the appropriate changes. Apparently, I wasn't changing enough values. :rolleyes: #herpderp

  6. http://digiex.net/downloads/download-center-2-0/nintendo-game-boy-content-gb-gbc-gba/save-games/14690-pokemon-gen3-legit-event-pokemon-save-ruby-sapphire-emerald-firered-leafgreen.html

    This link leads to a FireRed save file absolutely LOADED with LEGIT event Pokémon, INCLUDING Ageto Celebi. It doesn't have a shiny Ageto Celebi, but don't be surprised. That particular shiny 'mon is rare to the point where only a small handful are apparently confirmed to exist. Something about being checked for shinyness TWICE? Whatever. Just download that save file, and either trade via emulator, or drag-and-drop with PKHex. Having gotten a Wishmaker Jirachi from this save, I'll be the first to tell you this is no hoax. BTW, you're welcome.

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  7. I believe FRLG has either an Action Replay or Gameshark code that allows instant victories? Me, I'm working on the stickers myself, and I plan on slogging through all 200 times. What can I say? It's a perfect way to get all, and I mean ALL, of my Pokémon to Lv. 100. Really, what's becoming a concern for me is the wireless minigame star. I simply have no way of jumping 200 times, or catching 200 berries..........

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