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Posts posted by aaaaaa123456789

  1. Here's your data: http://pastebin.com/tURxezwf

    Moves, abilities, species numbers and items are all there by number because this was a quick and dirty program; you can find the index number for everything in Bulbapedia. (Index numbers for natures are never listed, but they go in the same order as they appear in the Natures page; first one is 0 and last one is 24.)

    Special, non-ASCII characters in nicknames show up as ^ in the dump.

    EDIT: by the way, whenever you see (+3) next to a move number, it means that move had 3 PP Ups. (Same for (+1) or (+2), obviously.) If you happen to see (=xx), where xx is some number, it's because that move had fewer remaining PP than the total available; I don't think this is possible in PBR without hacking, though.

    If anyone for some reason wants the program I used, here it is: http://pastebin.com/pkYy2eQb

  2. I am trying to retrieve/recreate some old pokémon from PBR since I lost the DS game that they were saved on. The only thing I don't know are the IVs and EVs of the pokémon I want to recreate in Pokésav. Would there be a way for me to find the EVs and more importantly IVs of pokémon from a PBR save file?

    Absolutely. Upload the save file somewhere and I'll gladly give you a full dump.

  3. I found this thread a long time ago and used the info in the OP to make a save editor library; I didn't think anyone would want me to bump this thread with that back then, so I didn't bother making an account just to post this. I guess I should have.

    Anyway, this is what I made: https://github.com/TwitchPlaysPokemon/pokerevo/tree/master/utils/libeps

    Allows editing Pokémon data from a savefile, and a few other basic operations such as copying one saveslot onto another, etc. Also allows raw access to the (unencrypted) saveslot and savefile data in case someone manages to find useful pointers. I also took the liberty of making the encryption and checksumming code a lot shorter and less repetitive; it might not look like it at first glance, but it's completely equivalent to the code that was posted here.

    Keep in mind that this is a library, not a full program; someone would have to write a full program to make use of it in order to make it usable for non-coders. The library is written in C, but it also has bindings for C# and Python; any of those languages can be used to interface to it. Documentation is available in the docs.md file.

    If anyone wants to use it, go ahead. I know there's no license file there (because the repo has other stuff too), but as far as the library itself goes, feel free to use it for whatever you like. I'll try to stick around to answer any questions if anyone wants to ask something.

    I hope this helps someone out there. Thanks to Tux for the info in the OP; it was extremely helpful.

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