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About pinkaquarian

  • Birthday 02/11/1989
  1. I tried that and it didn't work. :frown: I'll try again later on
  2. Ok I found it, thanks but there are two options with EXPORT SAV, Export Main and Export BAK. I tried saving with both options and my changes didn't work. I eject my SD card after using the Export SAV and I put my SD card into my 2DS and run HomeBrew and I used the Save Manager and I hit the B button to import the save but it doesn't work. After I hit the B Button the screen turns red, should it turn green??? Thanks for all the help
  3. Hellos, so after I figured out homebrew and had it installed on my 2DS I tried PKHex again and I noticed that the latest version I downloaded doesn't have the TOOLS tab or the EXPORT SAV button in the SAV tab.
  4. I downloaded the latest version and I'm having issues. Upon opening it I received a message stating "Box Binary loaded". Also I noticed the Tools tab and the SAV export button under the SAV tab are both missing. I next tried opening the ramsav.bin and received the same "Box Binary loaded" message. At first I assumed it was my version of Windows, which I'm currently running 10. Testing the compatibility didn't bring any results. Any tips on how to resolve this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :bidoof:
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