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Posts posted by WaReV

  1. I'm at the end and notice that I could only catch one of the regi (regirock), the two others cannot be caught ?

    And why have you made 2 same shadows pokemon ? Like we catch ralts at the beginning and at the end tyrion got gardevoir, or same thing with salamence, metagross, flygon and more... It's not a problem but a different one would have been cool.

  2. Thanks for the answer, I just couldn't press A, it did nothing, my Z key was assigned to the A button (Gamecube) and R button (Gamecube), so it didn't worked properly, but I solved it :]. But it could help new people in Pokemon xD to learn about the yellow circle ;)

  3. I sent you a message a moment ago on the previous topic, then I'm back and your game is finally out and it's amazing :D ! But there is a problem, in PC, I press A, and I can't withdraw pokemon with it or open my team, I can open my team with Z (of the gamecube) but can't move pokemons :(.

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