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Everything posted by pazim

  1. Yes, they only get like 15 codes per store and after a few hours they're gone. I went to Gamestop at the first "Hoopa Day" after I finished university and they were all taken. That's very hard. I think it's scumbag to get these codes and sell them on eBay. Playing Pokémon should be fun and you definitely should not pay to do it. I hat them.
  2. Yes, and that's why I couldn't get one myself
  3. Yes, it was from August 31st to September 28th, but not at GameStop and they were very rare. Luckily I got one today of a friend of mine
  4. Hi guys, I'm new here and I hope that all I did is fine^^ It's a bit late because I got this rare code today, but here is the German Galileo Shiny Rayquaza: Wondercard Title : Ein Schillerndes Rayquaza! Wondercard Text : Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst! Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab! Distribution Text: Stürze dich mit dem mächtigen Schillernden Rayquaza in den Kampf! Dieses Exemplar ist nicht nur selten, sondern auch extrem stark. Es beherrscht außerdem die Attacke Zenitstürmer, die es ihm ermöglicht, eine Mega-Entwicklung durchzuführen! Here is are some pictures: Serialcode: http://imgur.com/fCNa2XU Wondercard: http://imgur.com/LrZoz86 547 - Ein Schillerndes Rayquaza!.zip
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