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Posts posted by lostaddict

  1. Hey guys, I see lot of activity here. Glad that this thread is not dead. :)

    I feel a little bit guilty that i haven't finish this but unfortunately I'm really really busy lately... The state of the tool is as you know it. The basic stuff are functional. Just need some testing to eliminate any bugs.

    In any case, If anyone is willing to continue with this, I can give the source code of the tool in order to continue with. Just let me know.

    Also i can confirm that the algorithm is the one of morfeo. It just using different initial token and different lookup table than the one he was provide. I have include those in source code as well.

  2. Hey guys,

    Today i have add the last 2 validations for the injection:

    1. It checks if mystery gift is enabled. If not then no injection is allowed.

    2. It checks if wonder card already exist. If exists then it asks for confirmation before overwrite it.

    I have check this both with Emerald and LeafGreen/FireRed and works OK.

    Next step is to add Japanese Language support...

  3. I need to add one more validation to my injection code which is if the mystery event is enable or not in the game. I know where the questionnaire phrase info is but it's not the correct way to do this since the user can change the phrase anytime after enabled the mystery gift... Most probably is just a flag, but i need to find the location...

    So does anyone know where this information is in the sav file? Any help on this is welcome :)

  4. Almost there guys :)

    Today I spend some time testing the tool and fixing some minor bugs. Also I worked on exception handling and error messages...

    Functionality implemented so far:

    * Design of the wonder cards.

    * Import/Export wonder cards.

    * Inject wonder cards in FireRed/LeafGreen and Emerald games.

    * Support of Altering Cave and Ticket Events (Aurora, Mystic and Old Sea Map).

    * Multi-language support (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish).


    * Add Japanese Language Support

    * Gift Egg/Pokemon support

    * Trainer Battle Event support

    * Maybe add EON Ticket Support for Sapphire/Ruby.

    PS: I think i have overcome the issue with the version of the rom. The solution is simple... Instead of executing the script from the rom I have change it to run it from the ram. To do this I had to change the prefix of the addresses in the script from 8 to 2 (ex. 0x8000000 --> 0x2000000). I have test it and seems to work. Need to test it with all the versions though...

  5. I feel stupid right now... I was injecting it in Game Save A... My current Game Save was B :mad:

    By the way the section where you inject the script is not always the same. It changes from sav to sav. Currently i'm working with 2 different sav files. In first one is in section 0 while in second one is at section 3.

    The correct section can be identified by a specific byte sequence's (like the wonder cards)

  6. OK... Still nothing...

    When using e-reader to download the EON ticket on my sav file everything is OK, but when I'm trying to inject it manually the event is not working. Definitely something is wrong here... I'm pretty sure we are missing the flag that enables the event... E-Reader must be changing and something else for sure...

    PS: I'm using the same sav file on both cases.

  7. I think that is better instead of trying to puzzle everything together, just to modify the existing e-reader script and add the translations.

    Does anyone know if we need to inject anything else in the sav file except from the script in order to enable the event? I have transfer the EON ticket to a clean sav file using the e-reader rom, but when i'm trying to inject the script to another save manually, the event is not working...

    I guess i have to compare the sav files before and after the transfer of the ticket from the e-reader rom...

  8. I think it's not even necessary, since I found a "Go to" command to the text yesterday.

    So it's very likely that the Event can be activated by a simple flag similar like in Emerald! :biggrin:

    I'm just a bit too busy in the moment and since I lack of good tools for reading scripts it takes a bit time for me, it would be good if someone else could check the address I posted yesterday.

    I'm very curious to see what the full script says before "05". Here is the Offset for the English Ruby Version (I guess it was 1.2) 0x1DF854. I dunno when I can get back to research but when I can I will continue my work on it, promised! And before we start to make custom scripts I think it's better to look if there is an easier way, so why taking the text if there's maybe a way to activate the already programed script?

    I have check the offset you found... This is the largest chunk of code i could extract. Doesn't seem relevant though:

    #org 0x1DF843
    call 0x3000F28
    loadpointer 0x0 0x70780003
    checkitem 0xB500 0x1C02
    goto 0x81C5049
    #org 0x1C5049
    virtualloadpointer 0xF0BEBB

  9. @BlackShark: Great find!!! I knew that this text had to be somewhere in the rom and waited to be found... :)

    Since we now have the foreign dialogs I don't think that it will be a problem to translate the english script to include them. By the way did anyone know except from the script what other data should be injected in the sav file in order to make the event available?

    Also maybe we can take this further by investigate the possibility to edit the EON Ticket e-Reader sav file in order to create foreign language e-reader sav files or even to create e-card binary files for each one of the languages...

  10. I didn't think the ROM version mattered when working with sav files directly.

    If we are going to use the already existing scripts from the roms, then we will need to know the version because the offsets of the scripts are different from version to version. The other option is to change the offsets to work directly from the sav file (something similar to what i did with the wish eggs). But this is a really hard and time consuming process, especially when you are doing it manually...

  11. I did some improvements today in the algorithm that detects the type of the save file (leafgreen/firered or emerald) and the section where the wonder card data will be injected (since this is not always the same). I used to have some issues with the japanese sav files in the previous version of the algorithm. I did some testing with the new algorithm on different sav files from different games and different languages... Seems to have 100% hit rate :D

    Now i need to find a way to identify the version of the rom from the sav file. I'm not sure if this is possible though... Back to research...

  12. Small update: Almost done with the import/export/inject functionality for the tickets (Aurora, Mystic, Old Sea Map). So far this is only for the English versions. Once finished with it, i will add support for the rest of the languages. Then i will proceed with the rest of the events (Altering Cave, Gift Eggs and Trainer Battles).

  13. The distribution of event pokemon using the wonder card feature at the moment seems not possible unless there are some undocumented functions that can give more freedom on what you can do. As i said before, the givepokemon function is very limited. You can only set level, species and hold item. If you combine this with another 1-2 functions you can also set the met location and the moves of the pokemon. And this is only what you can do...

    Now for the Gift Eggs (Wish Pokemon), the information we have is very limited. I was able to recreate all of them, but we still don't know if there was a wonder card for this... Similar Japanese events had a wonder card, but we don't know for sure for the PCNY Wish Eggs...

  14. Not really important finding but is good to have it here as well...

    The 8 Bytes at 0x6E4 --> 0x6EB seems to keep the values the user inserts when completing the questionnaire. If all bytes are FF then no values are insert.

    If you inject a wonder card without the mystery gift enabled it will worked normally.

    But the first time you trying to fill the questionnaire it will be pre-filled. Once press OK the event with the shopkeeper will triggered normally and the mystery gift will enabled.

    So to prevent this inconsistency I will not allow injection unless the mystery gift is enable...

  15. The tool has started getting its final shape. So here are the screens so far:

    Export Details:

    In this tab you can select the save file you want to inject the wonder card.

    You can select the type of the card (Tickets, Altering Cave, Gift Egg/Pokemon, Trainer Battle)

    In case of ticket, you can select the type of the ticket (Aurora, Mystic, Old Sea Map)

    You can also choose the game (Emerald or LeafGreen/FireRed)

    You have the option to keep backup of your sav file in case something goes wrong.

    You can choose the language.


    Card Details:

    In this tab you can customise the wonder card.

    You can set the text on the card

    You can choose the colour of the card

    You can make the card shareable or not

    You can choose the icon of the wonder card.


    Gift Egg/Pokemon:

    In this screen you can set up the Gift Egg/Pokemon event.

    You can select if you want Egg or Pokemon gift

    You can select the species of the pokemon

    You can select pokemon moves

    In case you choose pokemon instead of egg, you can also set:

    Level of the pokemon, Location met and Hold Item


    Trainer Battle:

    In this tab you can set up a trainer to battle with.

    There are a lot of fields that you can set (see screen below). Except from the trainer info you will also be

    able to set details for each one of the trainer's pokemon. (Species, Held Item, Moves, Level, EV's, IV's OT,

    SID, Personality, Friendship, Nickname)


    Also if you go through the menu, there are options for import/export wonder cards.

    At the moment:

    Fully working export functionality for the Wonder Card part.

    The import functionality is almost finished (Wonder Card Only). Have some minor issues with the text alignment that I'm working on it.

    The templates for the Delivery Man Scripts are implemented as well. (English Only at the moment)

    Injection Code has implemented separately. It works with Emerald. Still have to put it in the tool and tweak it to support LeafGreen/FireRed.

  16. Guys are you sure that EON Ticket text (Dialog with Norman) is not part of the rom?

    As far as i know you can share this ticket using Mixing Records. In this case the other player receives the ticket directly in his bag, or he has to talk to Norman to receive it? If he has to talk with Norman, then the text has to be part of the rom...

    Here is a screenshot i found on a page that talks about MORFEO code. It seems that the text is there...


  17. All the e-reader functionality can be implemented as a custom mystery gift events (EON Ticket, Regi Dolls, Trainers and Berries). It's not the official way but it can be done. That is why is under the "Custom Events" category...

    The only e-reader event that was initially planned to be worked with the Mystery Gift seems to be the Trainer Battles... This was supposed to use the password system that we don't know how it works.

    Edit: I think Takasan tool does the exact same thing as Morfeo AR Code does and the same one as the one I have recreated. It's the mystery gift battle card script with the e-reader code injected at the same time...

  18. @lostaddict: How about the Trainer Card/Room Event? Anything new about this?

    Not much to share at the moment. I was managed to create a trainer with some basic staff changed (name, pokemons, appearance, etc).

    The problem is that there are a lot of bytes to be changed in order to fully recreate the trainer (188 bytes). Since I'm doing this manually at the moment, it's a lot of work...

    So i decide to leave it for the moment until the time comes to implement this functionality in the tool. Once I will able to create the trainer data using the tool, i can very easily experiment with it :)

    I know exactly what each byte does (this is very well documented from previous researches) so it will not be a problem. Also the proof of concept was done so it's just a matter of implementation...

    What is really interesting to test next, is if there is a way to create cards that distribute event pokemons, using a custom script. My initial research indicates that there are not enough available functions to fully cover this functionality (the givepokemon function is too limited), but for sure some basic staff are possible (delivered a pokemon at x level with certain moves maybe)

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