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About DnaWolfer

  • Birthday 01/09/1993
  1. Thank you so much you are the most generous person ever! I have a bad internet so sorry for the communication failure. Though, I don't have my Garchomp. So currently waiting for my Garchomp. Thanks again.
  2. If you can't do it today, then tomorrow is alright as well.
  3. Alright, I am online now and I added you. Currently waiting...
  4. I'll be online soon, so I add you first right? I am completely new to this.
  5. So er, this is my first time here in the pokegen thread, but I have recently updated my 3DS to 9.8 so I can't pokegen pokemons myself. So I don't really know if we can still trade them.. Anyways, there is 3 pokemon that I want but you can do just one if you'd like instead. My FC is 0834 - 0943 - 0942 and I would like to trade These are the pokemons I would like to have. Thank you for your generosity if you decided to help make these pokemons and trade them. But remember, I don't have any other pokemon to trade except for the useless ones.
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