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About jkid101094

  • Birthday 10/10/1994
  1. Oh wow. Sorry for the late reply. I didn't expect anyone to respond to this topic. ^^; I tested the chart just yesterday after taking a bit of a break. It didn't work correctly but I think that's more a fault of my lack of organization. I have about seven copies of Overlay_18 in one folder so I assume I just didn't insert the correct one. I'm actually in the process of dealing with that as we speak. On a lighter note, out of my fear of talking to people I asked a friend to ask you about inserting the Fairy type icon into HG. After a ton of fiddling around trying to find a tool that worked correctly I finally got the sprites properly inserted so I thank you very much for that. Since you're willing to help me, however, you wouldn't remember how you got the Pixie Plate functioning correctly, do you? I believe that that's the last thing I need to do to have the type perfectly implemented.
  2. Welp, turns out I'm a dumb and my numbers were off. I was using Overlay_18's offset in the rom rather than it's ram offset (or whatever the former is because the two are different). Running the numbers through that formula again I came up with the same answer as MeroMero, meaning that his pointers weren't wrong after all. For those of you having similar problems, don't be a silly jkid and remember that the ram address is listed under sub-file header in Crystal Tile 2, rather than the address header. I'm never felt so simultaneously stupid and intelligent at the same time.
  3. I've been trying for two days now to get this to work and it's driving me nuts. Initially I didn't want to come here asking for help because I have an anxiety disorder and talking to new people sends me into a panic but I have absolutely nowhere else to turn to. So I started off wanting to do something simple, adding the Fairy Type to Pokemon Diamond, however, as I had no idea how to work with DS pointers that fell through since I couldn't expand the type chart. I then found this tutorial by MeroMero explaining how to do this in Heart Gold. Since I trusted his/her word I promptly moved over to the new game but from there I had nothing but problems. Looking at his tutorial step by step I became confused as the information given in MeroMeros text and in his images didn't seem to match up (I later found out the images were of the Japanese files while the tutorial described the English ones). Going off the images I pasted the new chart at 0x0162A0, overwriting everything that was already there (my knowledge of Hex is still minimal at best) and followed the rest of the tutorial as shown. This led to my game freezing during a battle. This confused me but I thought I had a solution anyway. I got a clean version of overlay_18 and overlay_01. My plan was to see how much free space I had to use in overlay_18 (as his findings said that the two files overwrote each other, meaning that since overlay_01 was larger, it left a lot of unused bytes when switching to overlay_18) by placing FF bytes from the end of overlay_18 to where it would end if it was the same size as overlay_01. This ended up being from 0x16560 to 0x2425F and, as MerMero stated, a clean version of the rom worked perfectly fine with the expanded file. I then pasted the new type chart at 0x1650 and reinserted the old overlay_12 file. The game then began to freeze up during battles again, indicating that the cause of my issue was something in overlay_12 and it didn't take me long to figure out what it was. Since MeroMero was using the Japanese version of the rom which apparently had a somewhat smaller Overlay_18 file. This indicated to me that his pointers might have been messed up so I tried to calculate the new ones on my own. After a day of digging I came across this thread explaining the method to finding pointers on a DS rom. To check his data I applied the formula to MeroMero's findings. If this was indeed the way I needed to do this then MeroMero's information would match up with mine so I quickly booted up my computer's calculator and got to work. FileAdress + HexOffset = Pointer So in MeroMero's case it would be 078C7800 + 162A0 = 078DDAA0 which, in Little Endian that would be A0DA8D07...but that's not even close to the values he got! Heck, I'm not even sure why there are three different pointers in the first place. This just gets more and more confusing for me. So I've come to you guys for help. What I know is that the offset of my new type chart in Overlay_18 is 0x16560 and that Overlay_18 address in the rom is 0x078C7800 according to Crystal Tile 2. I'm just not sure how to go about pointing Overlay_12 to the new type chart MeroMero created as his offsets don't seem to be working for me. Any help would be appreciated and, if possible, I'd like to get MeroMero himself to help me but after being a no show for 3 weeks I don't see that happening.
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