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Posts posted by Nirron

  1. If nothing goes wrong Belgium is also getting the event. In all Game Mania stores!

    I send both Nintendo and Game Mania a email regarding this event and while Nintendo said there was no event planned.

    Game Mania got back to me and send me the following message..

    We hebben flink moeten onderhandelen maar eindelijk is er goed nieuws gekomen vanuit Nintendo.

    Ook bij Game Mania zal het Pokémon event namelijk kunnen doorgaan tussen 22 maart en 19 april.

    Hierbij zal je de zeldzame Meloetta kunnen downloaden. Het is nog heel even wachten op de downloadcassetten, maar het is zo goed als zeker! Binnenkort zal je alle informatie op onze website kunnen terugvinden.

    Translation.. even tho those who are intrested in this will be able to understand it.

    "They finally got news from Nintendo and that they will be able to run the event from March 22 untill April 19 more news coming soon on their website."

  2. Sorry for bumping up this old thread, but I still wonder of the internal parts of the "Mew machine" looks like.

    My guess is that these machine's were shipped back to Japan and maybe are sitting at the Nintendo HQ or were scrapped.

    Internal is propably just a Super Famicom board with a GameBoy Player 2 connected to something else?

  3. This is great work! Do you mind if I use these images in my Gen I & II event guide?

    Go ahead :) Sadly have no better pictures available to provide to you they are taken by myself 10 years ago when I was still young..

    Also got some old magazines that talk about these events. Will scan them in and post them here soonish! Sadly one is in German.. maybe you can find a translator ^^'



    First Page


    Second Page


    Edit - Does anyone have any more info on that machine used to receive the Celebi? This is the same machine that gave me Mew in a later event.. technical information and how it looks in the inside ect..


    Also something I totally forgot. I was one of the 64 of my country to get a Pokémon Gold Cartridge with 20 Celebi on it. I had to trade them to other players. Then send it back to Nintendo.. my reward a copy of Pokémon Crystal. Sadly nothing that makes it stand out from any other store bought :(

  4. Tournament Rewards


    Getting Celebi from the "Mew Machine" atleast that is what they called it back in the day and the back of the Celebi Tour struck.


    This Celebi Event was at Six Flags / Walibi Belgium

    Also as a bonus here are my cartridges with the "Mew Inside" sticker on the back.


  5. When I got my Mew they put a sticked on the back of the cartridge. Think it said "Mew Inside" or "Mew Owner" or something like that. If you guys want I could make a scan and post it here.

    Also got a T-shirt and some pictures from the Celebi Tour that took place in Belgium.. so many summers ago! I'm getting old.. :P


    Wonder if I still have this thing.. mine was in English or Dutch.. not sure!

    Just sad to know that I put all this effort in collecting these Pokémon and yet.. unable to trade them to my Platinum :(

  6. I'd just love to see a lot more online interactivity and functionality in their games. As current online features for the Pokémon games lack quite a bit.

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