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About Sorhval

  • Birthday 12/21/1989
  1. That was soooo long hahaha. Thank you so much for this !
  2. Hey, I was to tired last night sorry But today I will be here so tell me when you can !
  3. Thanks a lot for this first wave !
  4. Yeah sure it's perfect to me and I will go to sleep right after this trade because it's 3am in France haha
  5. I'm currently online so if you are here, let's go ! (also, what's your FC ?)
  6. Hi, thanks for Xerneas ! And I forgot to copy/past the link with the events haha, https://m.reddit.com/r/PokemonQRCodes/comments/2wyvse/list_of_gen_5_event_pokemon_properly_imported_w/ I am currently interested by them
  7. Hi guys, I have a huge request to you : - http://m.imgur.com/a/i47j7 could you make me these two beauties ? - AND, I want to complete my event collection so, if you have a lot of time, could you help me with all of them if you don't mind ? I can give you some breedject and bankballs. Thanks a lot ! IGN Sorhval FC : 5429-9500-9394
  8. as usual, thank you!
  9. Hi, can i have this one please ?
  10. i don't see you, what's your friend code ?
  11. Hi, i'm here tell me when you can
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