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About n00neimp0rtant

  • Birthday 09/18/1991
  1. It's not stupid; it's exactly the reason why this thread exists =P They want to put as much pressure on people as possible to give up their hackability. Also sorry about double post. I thought this forum has automatic double post merging enabled, and I'm on my phone.
  2. I didn't know about the gateway solution. Unfortunately I am on 9.4, so while still good to go for the browser injection, I can't use emunand.
  3. I hope this is the right forum for this. I'll keep it short: I just got a New 3DS and want to transfer all of my old stuff to it, but the old 3DS will not allow the transfer to initiate without updating it. I still want to have my old one around for tweaking my Pokémon games, so I don't want to update it. I'm looking for a way to (ironically, I suppose) use the web browser exploit to patch a portion of the OS to allow the transfer to initiate without updating. I have already tried using Charles to MITM the request that checks for transfer eligibility, and as expected, it is SSL encrypted. Charles re-signs requests when attempting to proxy SSL requests, but the 3DS only accepts Nintendo-signed certificates. If the browser exploit could be used to temporarily force the 3DS to trust a specific self-signed certificate, I could tweak the response data and spoof it over the proxy to pull this off. But I just found out about this browser exploit yesterday, so I don't know its scope, or if it can even manipulate functionality other than consumer software titles. Any experts here who think this can be pulled off?
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