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About PowerofNick!

  • Birthday 07/22/2000
  1. So I checked pcedit.rar, and it opens as a Notepad file with nonsense squiggles. What should I do about that? EDIT: I've just decided that I will stick to RAMSav instead, and that I'll just have to be careful. I don't have anything that reads .rar files on my computer (is that the right term?), so ramsav works for now. But please, it would be nice to know if there is something I can do/ if there is a .zip alternative to this, and just in case anyone else has this issue, they can see how to resolve it.
  2. I did see someone on a Twitch stream say that it still worked, but I wouldn't necessarily take their word for it. Also, thank you for the help!
  3. So, I downloaded pcedit.rar, where do I find pcin.bin and pcout.bin? Sorry if I sound stupid, I'm new to all this sort of stuff and I'm not very tech savvy, so I don't want to mess stuff up.
  4. Thank you, both of you! I'm relatively new to this, and I wanted to rather be safe than sorry. I also wanted to say thank you for making such an awesome program, it works amazingly well!
  5. Sorry for posting on this so many times, but one more thing- if I were to put my AS in another 3DS would I be able to safely delete RamSav.bin from the original sd to then put AS back in that one?
  6. I've also already used it to gen a few pokemon, so the save file of my Alpha sapphire game is saved in there.
  7. I downloaded the RamSav instead of the pcedit for pkhex... Is there anyway to delete it without deleting my save file on my game? I'm terrified that I will lose all the progress I have, but I only wanted to edit my pc, not edit my save file! I am too scared to try anything on my own for fear that I might damage something. Assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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