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Everything posted by bikthor

  1. Great job with this post! It's beeing very useful. Could somebody share the pkx files of the latest events of Zoroark and shiny Yveltal? Thanks in advance.
  2. I have a similar problem. When I load my ramsav.bin and I try to access to the "OT/Misk" window of any pokemon in the PC, PKHex returns this error: Is this because of my version of OR is not supported? I'm using a spanish OR version. EDIT1: Ok, I have just repeated the process and now it works like a charm! :biggrin: EDIT2: I was wrong. It worked the second time that I tried it, but I'm trying to edit my sav another time and I'm having the same problem one and another time. I have tried to dump the sav about 10 times, and always that green screen is shown the ramsav.bin make PkHex crash when I open the "OT/Misk" tab of any pokemon. However, when it worked fine the green screen wasn't shown, and another time that it wasn't shown I have achieved to open the "OT/Misk" tab, but the OT was shown with extrange characters, I have attached an image with this case: I think that something is wrong in the dumping process related to any characters, probably accented characters (My OT is Víctor with "í")
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