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Everything posted by spyexxx

  1. I figured out how to nickname them in game! I was stupid and forget to change the gender of my OT from male to female lol. Thanks for your help!
  2. Any other idea why a pokemon might not be nicknameable in game? I tried the pokebank method, it doesn't work. Thanks for your help!
  3. Does anyone know why I can't edit the pokemon's name in-game even if the TID, SID, and OT name matches my ingame information?
  4. Hey guys! So I got everything to work, and it's awesome. But I have a question for you. I've been injecting/editing the pokemon to have my OT, TID, AND SID. However, when I take the injected/edited pokemon to the name rate at Slateport city (AS), I can't change the name of my pokemon. Does anyone know why this happens/how I can fix it? Thanks! (I know I can edit the nickname w/ Pokegen but I like having the full flexibility of being able to change it ingame)
  5. Hey guys! So I got everything to work, and it's awesome. But I have a question for you. I've been injecting/editing the pokemon to have my OT, TID, AND SID. However, when I take the injected/edited pokemon to the name rate at Slateport city (AS), I can't change the name of my pokemon. Does anyone know why this happens/how I can fix it? Thanks! (I know I can edit the nickname w/ Pokegen but I like having the full flexibility of being able to change it ingame)
  6. Final question: should we delete injectiondebug.bin, code.bin, and pokemon.ekx (from when I was trying to inject a pokemon) from our SD card before we copy pcin.bin and pcout.bin? Or can we keep them all there and still try to run this method?
  7. Oh! No wonder. I thought it's something that was supposed to come with the zip. Also, when you say we're supposed to run it in our browser, you mean the 3DS's browser, correct? Thanks!
  8. Hey guys, Whenever I download the file (pcedit.zip in the OP) and open the zip, I don't get the pcdata.bin file. I only get pcin.bin, pcout.bin, and readme.txt. I tried disabling my wireless and doing all the steps in the post, but I still can't end up with a pcdata.bin file. Is that file supposed to be there when you unzip the file, or are we supposed to get it some other way?
  9. If you don't mind helping me... how would I unlock those features then? When you say save file dump, do I get one of my saves (.sav) from powersaves and drag that into pkhex instead? Or is there a way to do this without even needed a .sav from powersaves? Thank you!
  10. Are you supposed to save your game between steps 5 and 6?
  11. http://i.snag.gy/gvf6A.jpg Can someone please help me figure out how he got the right side of that all lit up? When I drag injectionbug into PkHex my entire right side is grayed out so I can't use any of those buttons. I guess what I'm asking is, how do I edit already existing Pokemon in my game? I got the injection method to work, but I want to know how to edit 'Mons now. I'd really appreciate any help, I've been trying to figure this out for a while.
  12. Hey guys! I have a quick question -- So I got the program to work fine and can inject pokemon -- however, I can't rename the pokemon (I know my TID and SID by using KeyBV). Can anyone tell me why? Also, that file do I have to open/how do I open the file, if I wanted to edit already existing pokemon in my game/PC boxes? Thank you!
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