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About KeroseneZanchu

  • Birthday 06/15/2001
  1. If anyone wants to, could we start this back up? It would be useful. Not to mention there are ways to insert these Pokemon into our own games, and ORAS came out.
  2. I won't claim this as official or anything, but here you can submit some legit .pkx, .pk6, .ekx, .ek6 files. By legit, they don't have to be 100% percent legit, just legit enough to bypass the legitimacy checks in X/Y/ORAS. I will start by posting some I've found. Events.rar Legends.rar Shinies.rar
  3. Not at once, no. But you can inject one, change the pokemon.ekx file, inject that, wash, rinse, repeat. Also, is there a database made yet with legit (Not legit, but tradeable and battleable on wifi) pokemon files? If so, I would love to both contribute and use it.
  4. I'm having the same issue with opening the injectiondebug.bin Any solutions arise yet?
  5. Finally got it to work! I had to do the 'Initialize Save Data', but I got it to work <3
  6. Do I put the pokemon.ekx on the root of my sd card as well, like the code.bin, or in a specific folder?
  7. But the tutorial video on PKHeX said it was japanese exclusive. How do I use PKHeX in US?
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