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Everything posted by ViolentSpatula

  1. Yeah, I have no way to test the KeyBV side of the program. I thought I had traced everything back, but obviously I left something out. >.>
  2. I'll try it. In the meantime, if you're using my preview version, {46} should show the form number.
  3. Fixed ("Fixed" is relative) preview version of KeySAV with Box view! Download Please notify me of any bugs~ [Edit] The file has changed, this is a new (ish) version.
  4. Each slot has to have been empty, had one pokemon, then have had a differnt pokemon in it before the encryption is broken for that slot. The "~" shows that those conditions haven't been met.
  5. I've got a working fix for the corrupt slot issue, and I've got the box view almost complete. To fix a corrupt slot, open box view, navigate to the box with the offending slot, then right click the slot and select "Force Key Purge." After a prompt it will purge the slot and you will have to break the slot again, it's important that the slot sees an empty slot, and two different pokémon (other than the one that caused the issue in the first place). Here's a preview version for anyone interested. [Edit]: download removed, see later post.
  6. Until either Kaphotics or I have a fix, what you probably want to do is take out the offending pokémon and re-break all your boxes. That's what I did and that's how I ended up with only one slot with this issue. I'm not sure about this, but I think that this pokémon has to be in save1 when you first hit the break button for this issue to occur. But, like I said, I don't know about that one, but I'm sure I moved that meowstic all over my boxes and no others had this issue. Maybe it only has to be the first pokémon seen.
  7. Yes, but I've found that every time the "corrupt pokémon," that I coded simple workarounds for, will save in the key making that slot impossible to break. I've been trying to follow the code to provide a fix, but I still don't know how it happens. I wasn't aware of the issue until I added a box view, where the problem becomes quite apparent. I've been trying to code an option to flush the slot, but having only taken a Java 1 class makes it a little difficult. It would be a "fix" as long as the slot was then seen with two different pokémon and not the one with corrupt data. More on the corrupt pokémon: It seems that randomly, before the slot's encryption is broken completely, a pokémon's data will not be able to be read. This usually takes the form of otlanguage being 0, but sometimes moves are replaced with higher than usual numbers. This makes them easy to ignore and not show in dumpPKX_SAV, but I don't know where the pkx file is getting corrupted. On top of that, I don't know how it's getting through verifyCHK as I thought this issue would be a result of bit shift or null areas in the pkx. However, as soon as the slot is 100%, the pokémon's data is correctly shown, and it causes no further issues within broken slots (obviously as they don't save to the key). Example: Like your issue, I've got ONE slot that was filled with a meowstic (with seemingly fine data, but it must be corrupted in an area that is not shown) that will not break, no matter how many pokémon or empty slots are put there. If I put an empty slot there, it will show the ~meowstic, if it's the meowstic it also shows ~meowstic, any other pokémon shows nothing ("Locked Slot"). This one slot is bothersome, but easily ignored because it happened in box 22. I've been trying to flush the data out of the key, but I can't find the appropriate time to do it where it will save to the key.
  8. With the powersaves you can delete all pokémon in box one, so if you put all the eggs in box one you can delete them.
  9. Glad to see you got it working! ^-^
  10. It looks like you haven't broken your encryption for the game.
  11. The corruption isn't on your save, don't worry about that. It happens when the program isn't 100% sure what pokémon is in a slot, typically when it tries to ghost a pokémon in an empty slot. Usually it just puts what was previously in the slot, but it seems like rarely some of the data will get garbled and show odd values. I haven't followed the error all the way back, so I'm uncertain the cause, but it doesn't seem to be more than a slight bother. If you've seen the three states (empty, filled 1, filled 2) on a slot, this won't happen to that slot. I'm here to help, if you have any more bugs/feature requests, tell me!
  12. Update 8/2/2014: -Fixes error caused by numbers greater than 618 in data.move and data.eggmove. Download Here!
  13. I see that the error's coming from an egg in box 17, but I can't follow it any farther than that at the moment because of my computer problems. I'll look for a solution to the error as soon as I can. It doesn't seem to be an issue with formatting, as I can see all the metadata clearly. Edit: Seems to be a problem with eggmove 4. Can you tell me what moves they were bred with? Edit Edit: Found the issue! It does have to do with data randomly corrupting! The program thinks that the pokemon in box 17, position 5,3 has an egg move of 7673. I'll release a fix to my version shortly!
  14. Yeah, that's probably what happened then. If it hasn't seen three states for each position it ouputs the ~ before the slot and can fill it with a pokemon that simply isn't there. Sometimes when this happens the data of one of the uncertain pokemon is corrupted slightly which might have caused your error. If the error happens again feel free to post the files!
  15. If you downloaded it from the first post, and not my build (ViolentSpatula), then I have no idea why it would cause an out of bounds error. If you could upload your save1, save2, and save that you're opening I'll try and recreate the error later. (when I fix my operating system). Does the error happen in every formatting style?
  16. Are you using my version of KeySAV2? If so, what format are you outputting in? If you're in the Reddit format you may have an old version which is causing it. Regardless, if you can figure out which pokemon seems to be causing it, that would help. I'm currently having hard drive issues, but I'll try to help as much as possible. Edit: Sharing the output of the box that causes the error would help. Edit Edit: Might as well share some information about the bug in my old version of KeySAV2: When I first added the language option, everything worked fine, but I had one pokemon that would crash the scan because the program didn't have the full data on the pokemon. This would cause the language value to be 0 and crash the program. I have since added in a value for 0 (error), but I didn't catch the error until I had already pushed the update. The current version shouldn't do this.
  17. Update - 7/31/2014 -Added: Unown now output what form they are.
  18. Alternate KeySAV2 BUILD Hello everyone! I really enjoy this program, but I wanted more from it, so I've forked KeySAV2 and added more formatting options to the program! New Features/Changes: Changelog: I'd be happy to add any other formatting options that are requested! Source code on my GitHub~ Download: KeySAV2.V.1.15.zip
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