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About flarn2006

  • Birthday 07/28/1993
  1. Note: This is for Omega Ruby. I have not tested this with Alpha Sapphire. This is also on a US game, running on Gateway. I regretted clicking the "mailbox" button in BuzzNav, as I got tired of hearing about things other people I don't know did. If it only gave me information about friends, I'd like it more, but just random people? I'd rather just see my own "news" then. So I looked through my save file for the BuzzNav data. Using HxD, I filled the region from 0x30800 to 0x30820, inclusive, with 00 bytes, and that did the trick. But I've only tried it once. It may be possible to have more BuzzNav data loaded (there were a bunch of zero bytes after that, which looked like it might be room for more, but I also saw a couple 01's and 02's mixed in there) in which case a larger region would be needed, or the addresses might even vary. This might even have some unpleasant side effects, which I may or may not discover when I next play, which is one of the reasons I kept an old save. Can some other people try zeroing out this region in their save file to see if it works for you? Don't forget to load it in PKHeX and save it again to fix the checksum, or it will say your save file is corrupt.
  2. I successfully got the keystream; how do I use that to decrypt a .sav file so I can use it with PKHeX and Gateway?
  3. Why not? :confused: That could only be helpful to the hacking community. Or is there something I'm missing?
  4. Basically they posted that the X/Y ROM was decrypted, but they didn't provide a link to the decrypted ROM. I understand they probably didn't release the ROM because of copyright, but if that's the case, where can I find the key so if I get a ROM from a torrent or something (I already legitimately own the game) I can decrypt it myself and look through the files? Better yet, how did they figure out the key? This is knowledge that they should publish so other games can be researched. It wouldn't help with piracy in case they're worried about that (not that it's their job to prevent it IMO) as the 3DS is expecting the ROMs to be encrypted as they normally are. Also, one last thing: how did they do RAM editing? Does it require some kind of hardware mod? Or is it just a matter of using a 3DS with an old enough firmware to be hacked currently?
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