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About RNP

  • Birthday 11/21/1988
  1. That's right, I thought this looked interesting and I thought to give it a try. Realistically, this application fills in the gap for the players too scared they might corrupt their saves (Namely the digital version), so while it is less efficient, it does have a place. On a side note, is this the big reveal for Pokecheck? I was predicting that this would be server-side and hosted on the website (Which would still be fantastic).
  2. Excuse me, if you're on a digital copy of the game, how does one transfer the battle video without saving and turning off the game (The game and video are both stored on the SD card)? Does the video stay on the SD card if the game is just shut off? EDIT: I can see this "If you want to check eggs and their SV, hatch them first and battle without saving - the video will save to your SD anyways! It is not required to back up the save file - only battle videos!" I only want to be sure.
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