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About Grimgravy

  • Birthday 02/15/1990

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  1. We have many comprehensive guides on dry battery RNG’ing in R/S. Since we know that the game defaults to 1/1/2000 when the battery dies, the corresponding initial seed is 5A0 and static at that. However when the battery is live the initial seed becomes dynamic, changing depending on the time the internal battery has recorded. So say on 12/12/2013, at 17:37, the seed is EE5C. At 17:39, the seed becomes EE5B and at 17:41, EE5A. And so on goes this initial seed pattern. For more information on how initial seeds are generated, FractalFusion has figured it out. His post: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=262235#262235 Just like with dry battery R/S, if we know this initial seed value then we can determine the subsequent seeds and PID values for the subsequent frames. Now here come in our tools. Prerequisite Materials RNG Reporter 9.96.5 beta Virtual Boy Advance with lua scripting Kaphotics's lua script (thank you for making this. Thank you SO MUCH) Ruby/Sapphire rom (preferably directly ripped from a legit cart, but what you use is your own business) Notepad and the ability to change .txt file extensions to .lua A calculator that can convert from hexadecimal to decimal Preparing the Script There are a variety of videos showing this process in lua script RNG tutorials. It’s pretty much as simple as copy, paste, and rename to .lua VBA https://code.google.com/p/vba-rerecording/downloads/detail?name=VBA22-lua51dll.zip&can=2&q= This version of VBA can run .lua scripts which you can find under the Tools tab. Browse, find your script and run. Then change the speed option to 6%. You may now run your game. If you copy/pasted correctly, your script should be running. Now look for the 5th frame. This is your initial seed. Pause your game here. Our initial seed here is EE5C. If you want a shiny, note your date and time so as to be able to come back to your initial seed consistently. Paste this into your Initial seed bar on RNG reporter and generate some frames. From this point, you can search for viable frames or reset and generate a new initial seed. Repeat until you have a desired frame. As you can see, I am trying a Method 1 pokemon (stationary, gift, starter). However, I would not doubt that this could work with Sweet Scent. This one occurs on 3,139,602. If you like what you have, at this point you can make a save state with the emulator. Now, all we have to do is hit the frame. It is important to note that .lua script will probably be at least 100 frames off. If your frame is low, then it should be pretty easy to hit. If not, I recommend you use turbo to get where you want. Once you get about 500-1000 frames within your target, make another save state as a “safe reference” so if you shoot too far, you can safely go back to that and try again. At this point, you can start trying to hit your frame. Once you get your pokemon, make a different save state and then use rare candies to check the IV’s. This will allow you to check what frame you hit while still being to go back to right before you used them. For instance, when I thought I was hitting my correct frame by the lua script, was I was actually about 134 frames ahead. This means that I need to hit at about the frame 3,139,477. So, after many, many tries ... As you can see, the .lua script told us inaccurate information on what “frame” we are on. However, with IV checker we can solve that problem. Give your pokemon rare candies until level 50 so as to get accurate readings. Once you have your proof with rare candies, you can go back to your previous save state and enjoy your hard earned RNG. Shiny Pokemon If you want a shiny, you will need to take your target frame (say the target is 3,139,602) and hit one frame ahead of your target frame (or hit a frame which will yield the proper SID – in this example, 3,139,603 ). Your TID will correspond to the last 4 hex digits. The target frame’s hex digits will be comprised of your TID and SID in the order of AAAABBBB where A= TID and B=SID. I hit frame 3,139,675 in attempting to hit 3,139,602. I was 73 frames off, so 602-73=3,139,529. On the money. So now we need to reset our computer’s clock to the time at which we got this lovely initial seed. Now it’s time to hit our frame of choice. Well, In “hitting 3,139,602,” I really hit 3,139,698.So, 698-602=96; 3,139,602-96=3,139,506. And voila!
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