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Everything posted by SNSDForLife

  1. It is perhaps using it for the crash counter which sends me a report in case the app crashes at any time, it doesn't use it for any other purpose though. It basically uses it to send me any crash reports but that is it, thanks for downloading it, I would really appreciate if you could review it on my app place too, thanks! =)
  2. Ok that's it, looks like I'll have to implement a trial! but I don't know how to exactly, would you mind providing any links on how I can implement the free licence module etc? Thanks!
  3. Gotcha', Mobiles were the old ones, thanks for pointing that out Now go try it out!!!
  4. Guys, if anyone's interested, my IV calculator supports 6th Gen games (X & Y), for Windows phone: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pok%C3%A9mon-iv-calculator/14c9ef93-ebf7-478c-9131-00d621d98716 Here's a list of features you can expect from this app: Platform: Windows Mobile Phones (only) 1) Calculate IVs of ALL Pokémon till date (0 - 718), 3rd/4th/5th/6th Generations supported. 2) Easily navigate through the list of Pokémon arranged alphabetically with your finger or use the search bar to look for a specific Pokémon (a Pokémon is selected as soon as you start typing in its name!) 3) Base stats of Pokémon included, displayed instantly as soon as you select a Pokémon. 4) Types & Dex# of Pokemon displayed as soon as you select a Pokémon . 5) Calculate Hidden Power of any Pokémon, including the "Type" & "Power" of the Hidden Power move. I will be updating it as soon as I get more data or if there are any changes to be made. ~ Cheers
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