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About Mr_Moggy

  • Birthday 06/02/1992
  1. I got 9-10 before it started to crash lol but i can set it so diffrent keys spawn in 10 more, so i can get like 90 pokemon per time i try
  2. well then, is there any way to generate a code that is around 180 lines so i can save time? or should i just add each code by itself ?
  3. so the only way im gonna be able to do this, is adding each code one at a time and hope they dont crash my game? lol
  4. so ive recently started using Pokegen, and i was wondering if it is possible to generate 10-100+ Pokemon in a single Code and have them put directly into boxes in your PC, i noticed you can use about 6 codes at a time before it starts to crash the game, but i had to put them all in separate codes, which was a bit tedious, and trying to generate a entire 5th gen national dex is going to take some time any tips would be greatly appreciated, thanks
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