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Everything posted by listenhard

  1. Okay so now I'm trying to make a shiny Mew and I keep getting "Unknown GBA PID." Any ideas on how to fix this?
  2. I'm sorry I'm not sure what you're saying. As few writes as possible?
  3. Just myself haha. I'm a perfectionist.
  4. It doesn't look fine on Pokecheck though. It says "Invalid Pal Park trash bytes" in red under OT
  5. Oh I know I just want it to be completely legit looking
  6. Okay so I just accidentally discovered something strange... When I make the Rayquaza with 7 characters in the OT name field it works! But any other amount gives the "Invalid Pal Park trash bytes" error. Frickin' weird... Any idea why this would be? I'd like to have my actual name on there if possible.
  7. That worked!!! Awesome! Thank you! Now I just have to figure out how to get the "Invalid Pal Park trash bytes" to go away... Any ideas?
  8. Ok so I see a button in Pokegen that says "generate shiny ID" but its greyed out... Also, I tried just making him non-shiny and still had the same problem. Also tried copying and pasting ID's and PID's and all kinds of different stuff from different ones on Pokecheck to no avail. What gives??
  9. I'm searching but I don't see anything... I'm not really sure what I'm looking for haha...
  10. So it looks like this guy did exactly what I did and his worked... https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=4917403 And here's mine: https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=5349841
  11. I don't see anything under Tools about Nintendo checks... I'm fine with all of that though I am just a perfectionist and I wanna have a shiny flawless LEGAL Rayquaza
  12. I'm trying to make a Rayquaza and I keep getting "invalid Pal Park trash bytes." And also "PID doesn't match nature." I've tried everything to fix this. If someone could help I'd REALLY appreciate it!
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