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Posts posted by Fullmetal125

  1. Ok, so I've been looking at how to edit the number of eggs received and hatched in Pokestock. I know that you can changed the number of received in there, but there is also an option for number of eggs hatched, but that actually doesn't tell you the number you hatched. Is there anyway to edit the number of eggs hatched not using Pokestock? This is for B/W.

  2. Ok, so I recently bought a new copy of Pokemon Black. I played it up until the first gym, then I decided to change the date back to when the game was first released, 3/6/11, and get all the wondercards since then, so it would look legitimate. After completely beating the game, I noticed that my trainer card says that my first gym badge was received on 5/25/2013, and the rest say 3/7/11. Is there any program or manner that I can change the first gym badge received to 3/6/11? Any help would be much appreciated because I haven't found anything anywhere that may help solve this problem.

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