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About Raven1988

  • Birthday 04/07/1988
  1. Hey there, i'm just wondering if there's any hacks for Heart Gold and Soul Silver that have the same effect as Pokemon Ultraviolet. Basically Ultraviolet makes all pokemon up to generation 3 available in FireRed, including legendaries and starters, placing them in various locations around Kanto (either wild, or as pokemon on the map you can interact with (a la Mewtwo in Cerulean cave), and makes it so that pokemon that normally will only evolve through trading instead evolve through levelling or other means (depending on the pokemon). Are there any rom hacks for Heart Gold or Soul Silver that do that, without altering anything to do with the story, messing up where pokemon are normally found etc? Thanks in advance everyone! EDIT: Here's a link to the UltraViolet hack: http://ultravioletversion.yolasite.com/ EDIT 2: I apologize if this isn't the right place for this question, if not, could you kindly direct me to the suitable subforum?
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