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About GiftedAspie

  • Birthday 03/09/1989
  1. Good day, one and all. Quick query for all of you. I am using Poke-Gen and I just compiled my team as I usually do. Various legendaries and the sort with outrageous moves and/ or abilities. I uploaded them all to my AR device without a problem. The problem came when I levelled up my White Kyurem for the first time in-game. I had all its stats set to 31. But when I defeated the first Pokemon and levelled from it, the stat screen that popped up showed the stats increasing by ?5 or something analogous to that. After levelling, the stats were back to the standard amounts. For example... My white Kyurem had 31 hp, Attack, Defense, SP Atk, Sp Def and Speed. After levelling up to level five on one Pokemon, the stats are HP: 32, Attack: 18, Defense: 18, Sp Atk: 28, Sp Def 19 and Speed 19. In addition, it seems all my other Pokemon reverted to the standard even without being in combat or gaining one experience point. Did I do something wrong on the Poke-Gen application to cause this or is it just the game sorting it out? Should I have un-clicked Manual Stats after editing? Regards GA
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