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Posts posted by Va13ntine

  1. I've actually tried several times, and I did take into account the multiple subpalettes (correct me if I'm wrong but for the champion's mugshot files in tinke they are 14 and 15; palette file is 67 with 16 subpalettes). But every time I try to plug in the image for his pants, both the top and bottom half become discolored. I'll keep messing around with it and post either a solution or my error, but am I the only one with this happening to them BOTH Tinke and BWME?

  2. I've been browsing the forums trying to see if anyone's had this problem. So far it looks like it's just me, meaning probably an error of my own. But can someone help me figure out what I'm doing? I'm trying to edit White 2 for a friend, one with all his friends as the gym leaders/elite four. The champion sprite will be Hilbert (my favorite trainer). However when I try to use BWME to replace the champion's full body mugshot (which is divided into two images) one of both images becomes discolored. I haven't had any problem with regular mugshots, but I assume that's because the champion mugshots both share pal 12. Is there something I'm doing wrong or another way to insert my files?

    Also, it should be noted that this happens when i try to insert any file--not just Hilbert. I even tried to reinsert the original mugshots of Iris and got the same problem.

    Thanks in advance.


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