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Everything posted by Odaxis

  1. Odaxis


    The more recent versions of PKHeX seem to be defaulting to open and save to my "Nintendo 3DS" folder instead of the Root of the Sd card. Is this intended?
  2. Forgot to reply. Did the update. also no issues. woo.
  3. Hiya folks. I'm about to make the move to windows 10 (yay free upgrade) and i was wondering if there was anything I needed to know about PKHeX. I assume it's compatible?
  4. Much appreciated
  5. QR bug from latest build I was trying to capture a QR image and got this error form the latest build from 5 days ago when copied it generated this link: https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=365x365&cht=qr&chl=http%3a%2f%2floadcode.projectpokemon.org%2fb1s1.html%23D5WJeAAA0lnVVmDP6t1F5GZ8KliQlmKZ%2bpxCRIv5CxOdZ6iMLKkTUUk%2bY%2f%2bhA4tGBLMYwNoxo78TTEvK0aUtIR3cOts1CoeHapH4dDW1UFf34CfoMG9E416E3S7PFaaVKelpKltWSiZvSwh%2bxYW5t3ZWyWUty0ftY2w0sNVXZE6aOp4WZJ0xi4ehGkC64lZ2HA9h5fQuJMka9TTYPI2S%2fkjTOy4QpobvME%2fzTL4c%2fcXksDa5xogKH9Q0fIhbnp%2f%2bnI%2f3R3ABh0VkDpqx2pWaSrCL5aTw7aB%2fcWsWMK5YNwZAusbQ1iawCA%3d%3d Injecting QR via alt click seems to work fine.
  6. Happy to help as always.
  7. Just tested the PKHeX (04-04-15) version, this bug is not present in that version
  8. It seems like PKHeX is not accepting "forms" of Pokemon from the Showdown template generator if they have a nickname. Without a nickname they inject fine. With a nickname and without a "form" also injects fine. This was attempted with the latest build as of yesterday. No error was given. just simply didn't do anything. Also This Castform was also attempted and provided an error. Error:
  9. Odaxis

    Feature Request

    Not sure if it's doable or not. Would it be possible to add to an existing feature. When I clone a Pokémon (Control+Alt+Rightclick then selecting yes) to an entire box would it be possible to randomize all the PID's for the generated pokemon instead of doing it one by one?
  10. 04/04/15 is the latest "official" released version but it isn't the latest version form his source link. you need a compiler (like Visual Studio) to compile it.
  11. Odaxis

    Feature Request

    Not sure if it has been asked before or not. Would it be possible to add a "send to box X" option on the right click of a sprite in box management? Similar to this from pokegen
  12. Thanks so much.
  13. Not really sure if this is a bug or not. thinking so. Filling out a request for someone who wanted a Jolteon with a nickname of Vaporeon with the following template Vaporeon (Jolteon) (F) @ Aspear Berry Ability: Volt Absorb Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Thunderbolt - Hyper Voice - Hidden Power [Dragon] - Heal Bell results in a Vaporeon with a nickname of Jolteon
  14. Odaxis

    Box 31 question

    no change.
  15. Odaxis

    Box 31 question

    Tried, no dice. there are Pokémon in the box in the PC, The Delta episode is complete (as of yesterday) yet when connected to pokemon bank box 31 is not available. pretty weird bug, maybe i messed something up when editing the save file.
  16. Odaxis

    Box 31 question

    Got it. works in game fine but not in bank for some reason. box 31 does not appear in bank.
  17. Odaxis

    Box 31 question

    Lets say i have not completed the delta episode and have not unlocked box 31 for use. Is there a way with PKHeX to flag that box as open?
  18. Have a friend I cannot trade online with. The trade option is there but greyed out as if that person was busy when they are not. I can battle and O-Power with them but not trade. They, in turn, see the same thing when trying to trade with me. When accessing the trade application directly in PSS instead of going through the friend connection I can get the option to trade with them but it fails almost immediately stating they are not available for trade. Any ideas on what could be causing this? TLDR: Both online, Both not busy, Can battle and O-Power but not trade.
  19. Thanks a bunch
  20. Hey there. I'm not sure if i did it correctly or not but i downloaded the latest Source code from your GitHub page, compiled it (i think correctly) in MS Visual Studio and am still having this issue. From what i can tell there is a difference in the ' in the ability King's Shield - King's Shield (from showdown and Does NOT work) - King’s Shield (from PKHeX and Does work) King's Rock (from showdown and Does NOT work) King’s Rock (from PKHeX and Does work) The issue with Mr. Mime seems to be fixed.
  21. No Microsoft Visual Studio, so I can't compile it. I was only asking for an update, not demanding an answer. Knowledge is the cure for ignorance. Just trying to cure myself
  22. Any update on when the next version will be ?
  23. If you've updated your system then no, there is no known way to hack in new pokemon with out the needed hardware.
  24. Hey folks. Few quick questions regarding Dream Radar vs Dream World Pokémon I am working on building a personal database with PKHeX of all the Dream World capture Pokémon. From what i can see with ProjectPokémon's own Dream Radar Pokemon they have a Met location of "Pokémon Dream Radar", that rocks. Regarding the Pokémon from these locations: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Dream_World#Island_of_Dreams What do i set the Met Location as? Is it "Entree Forest" or "Entralink" or also Pokémon Dream Radar ?
  25. Thanks for fixing
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