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About Infra

  • Birthday 09/22/1982
  1. I've done some editing and I've added a custom tournament, and it's working fine. Thanks again for all these findings! I've wondering also, from what I've read in the thread and modified in the .pwt files; there's 4 trainers called up and whose teams can be included in the file structure. The other 3 lines can also be edited to change the sprites of the other participants, so you can change the sprites of all particpants on a download tournament. There's only 4 sets of pokemon teams included in the file, however. Is there a way to add the 3 extra team sets in order to not only have all the sprites edited but also all 7 custom pokemon teams? It wouldn't make sense for all trainer info to be changeable and not have a defined team for each trainer. There should be some variable in the file structure before the beggining of the pokemon and trainer data blocks that sets the amount of pokemon sets included in the file, I bet. That'd be the last piece of info needed in order to make fully customizable download PWTs.
  2. Awesome tool, thanks for your work! I have a lil question, based on some of the options on your tool. Is there a way to edit the rules of a specific tournament already included in game (I mean, not the downloadable ones)? For instance, to make the Champion's single tournament be a 6v6 battle? I don't know why the preference from the devs to make single battles 3v3 (possibly time per battle, who knows), but it'd be really cool to be able to edit the rules for certain tournaments like world leaders and champions to make them full singles/doubles 6v6 battles.
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