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Status Updates posted by ysbag

  1. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Sooooo. If that's what you have in mind I can try to write up a little guide on how to do it. ^^</p></p></p></p></p></p>


    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The Xtransciever works to a degree as well. The problem with that is the animation of the eyes and mounth. Whenever I try to replace the color palette for the eyes and mounth the game freezes so I just left it as it is.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I used the hero's mother as the basis here. Just extracted all the files for the animation and replaced the hero one with them. The art itself you can edit to your hearts content, though the eyes have to match since you'll use the old animation files. that's what I got:</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/xxBassGSxx/Pokemon-SchwarzeEdition2_07_24513.png" alt="Pokemon-SchwarzeEdition2_07_24513.png" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I hope that all made a little sense.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>To do all that I only used Tinke r148, MKDS and PPNFR tool. And Photoshop of course to edit any image needed.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Don't know whenever you did that already but changing the sprite on the Trainer Card is possible as well.</p></p></p></p></p></p>




    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I think it is.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Just recently I was able to replace the graphic on the intro where you choose your gender.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>So I can do this now</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/xxBassGSxx/Pokemon-SchwarzeEdition2_20_23968.png" alt="Pokemon-SchwarzeEdition2_20_23968.png" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>And since that image was stored in a BMD file I'll asume all the sprites you linked to me will be as well. The graphics are all from Pokewood btw. So unless you want to make some movies they won't bother you.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


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