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About kfcpanda

  • Birthday 06/01/1994
  1. Apologies, that was a stupid comment mostly seeking just a response as I feared if I had left it a statement, that would be the end of things. Could you answer please how I use pokegen? How do I connect my DS & computer to alter stuff with it? I've read the instructions and downloaded it but it just gives me a screen on the computer with boxes and I have yet to find where/how to connect it to the game. Furthermore, I read on a thread in reddit that you guys are working on a way to enable challenge/assist mode? Is that true
  2. Err, I found a thread from earlier, http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24846-Enable-assist-challenge-mode-with-pokegen-in-BW2 so I thought there was a code somewhere. Then I saw on youtube , which had two codes below that I assumed were the codes the people were talking about.But judging from your response, I realize that isn't the case then, isn't it?
  3. Hi, newbie/first time posting here, browsed for a while tonight for some questions. With the code for activating challenge/assist mode from the getgo, will that "invalidate" my game and bar it from competitions and whatnot? Just like how if you hack a poke, the game will no longer let you participate on online battles, will it be traceable/come back to bite me in the rear? Furthermore, I feel so stupid for asking this but uh, where/how do I put the code in? Action replay?
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